Version 6 (modified by 14 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Upload Photos
Follow this workflow:
- Upload a GPX Track (to uploads/tracks using the gis_track model)
- @ToDo consider moving this to gis_layer_gpx (no need for the extra complication of 2 tables)
- Upload a Folder-full of Photos ( to uploads/images using the doc_image model )
- Provide a Multi-Select Uploader widget
- works well for modern browsers
- used to need to be Flash or Java since JS can't access filesystem:
- ? UI to preview images in low-res to select which ones to upload
- Facebook is a good design model to look at - uses Java
- Provide a Multi-Select Uploader widget
- For each photo uploaded:
- Read the timestamp from the EXIF header
- Create a record in the database with the filename & timestamp
- Read the GPX track to find the lat/lon associated with the timestamp
- Add the lat/lon to the database record
This is done already within JOSM, the OpenStreetMap editor.
- AgPifoJ is a plugin which extends native functionality
Current Status
There is code for this already, but it is unfinished (& refers to an old media_metadata table which no longer exists):
- bulk_upload() in controllers/
- views/docs/bulk_upload.html
There is a multiple file uploader widget which currently depends on Ext-2.2.1 (this should be made to work with the main Ext: currently 3.2.1)
- static/scripts/ext-community-extensions/Ext.ux.UploadDialog.js
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