
Blue Print - Manage Assessment

(for want of a better name)

This module will allow a properly structured assessment file to be imported into the system and from this file an assessment module will be generated.

This would allow for Sahana to support with little modification (by the deployer) a wide range of assessments that meet the needs of the users. These assessments are not necessarily emergency specific.

Work Flow

  • Structured assessment file is imported
    • Data Items are extracted from the file and a model file within the code base is generated
      • A user modifiable model file is generated to allow for more sophisticated validation
    • From the model a controller file is generated
    • The views are generated (one for each section in the assessment)
  • Assessments can be completed by users of the system
  • Assessments can be listed and exported using the standard tools provided by the Sahana framework

Future enhancements to the module would include basic analysis of the data.


  • Assessment Designers - These people will be designing the assessment tool and testing it out, possibly through a pilot. Once the assessment format has been approved then the tool can be added to the system.
  • Enumerators - These are the groups of people who will be collecting the raw data for the system. They may be entering the data directly into the system or (as is often the case) onto a paper based system. Mobile data entry would be one potential for direct data input.
  • Decision Makers - These are the people who will take the assessment results and analyse them for actions that need to be taken or for generating summary reports for further dissemination.

Use Cases

  • Design assessment tool
    • Determine frequency of tool
    • target audience and
    • purpose
  • Prototype assessment tool
  • Approve assessment tool
  • Add tool to framework
  • Train enumerators in the use of the tool
  • Gather raw data and enter into the system
  • Summarise data collected
  • Present summaries in different formats
    • tabular format
    • map format
  • Support decision making process

Structured Assessment File

The title of the assessment occurs on the first line and a sub title would be preceded by a blank line. Detail lines are as follows: <Question Number>,<short question name>,<Question Label>,<data type [optional with default being String]>,<flags such as required unique etc>,<detailed comment>

Rapid Assessment

1,Date, Assessment Date, date, REQUIRED,The date that the assessment took place
2,Country, Country,,L0_SELECTOR
3,Province, Province,,L1_SELECTOR

6,TPop,Total population of site visited,integer
7,TAffectedPop,Estimated number of people affected,integer
8,TMYAffectedPop,Estimated number of affected male and 18 or younger,integer
9,TMAAffectedPop,Estimated number of affected male over 18 years,integer
10,TFYAffectedPop,Estimated number of affected female and 18 or younger,integer
11,TFAAffectedPop,Estimated number of affected female over 18 years,integer
Last modified 14 years ago Last modified on 11/07/10 03:19:22
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