
Sahana Eden is now featured on the OSGeo Live project hosted by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. This is a 'self-container bootable DVD, USB thumb drive or Virtual Machine based on Xubuntu, that allows you to try a wide variety of open source geospatial software without installing anything'.

Project Leads

The Sahana Eden project leads for this are:

  • Fran Boon
  • Gavin Treadgold

Installation Script

The OSGeo Live project uses installation scripts to install and configure applications to work on the local environment, as well as configure the maps relative to the local spatial data that is installed on OSGeo Live.

The OSGeo Live 4.5 install script for Sahana Eden is available here.

OSGeo Live 4.5 Documentation

The following two sections are the text that will be provided on the Live installation. Note that the original text is cut-and-paste from the 4.0 version that contained Sahana Agasti.

OSGeo Live 4.5 Sahana Eden Overview

GT - need screenshot(s) per specs, flesh out overview some more

Sahana Eden - Disaster Management Platform

Sahana Eden is a Family of Applications to Help You Help Others. Solutions are available for Disaster Management, Emergency Management, Development, Humanitarian and Environmental sectors. Free and Open Source means that it is easily Customisable and Extensible. Sahana Eden is also able to integrate with other solutions and can provide a management/ticketing interface around crowd-sourced data - such as that collected in Ushahidi.

Core Features

  • Requests Management - Tracks requests for aid and matches them against donors who have pledged aid.
  • Volunteer Management - Manage volunteers by capturing their skills, availability and allocation.
  • Missing Persons Registry - Report and Search for Missing Persons.
  • Disaster Victim Identification.
  • Shelter Registry - Tracks the location, distibution, capacity and breakdown of victims in Shelters.
  • Hospital Management System - Hospitals can share information on resources & needs.
  • Organization Registry - "Who is doing What & Where". Allows relief agencies to coordinate their activities.
  • Ticketing - Master Message Log to process incoming reports & requests.
  • Delphi Decision Maker - Supports the decision making of large groups of Experts.
  • Mapping - Situation Awareness & Geospatial Analysis.
  • Messaging - Sends & Receives Alerts via Email & SMS.
  • Document Library - A library of digital resources, such as Photos & Office documents.
  • Ushahidi Integration - Able to integrate data from Ushahidi



About the Sahana Software Foundation

The Mission of the Sahana Software Foundation is to help alleviate human suffering by giving emergency managers, disaster response professionals and communities access to the information that they need to better prepare for and respond to disasters through the development and promotion of free and open source software and open standards. Our Vision is to build and sustain a global open and collaborative community of contributors to information and communications technologies for disaster management, in order to:

  • Support the needs of Sahana customers through promoting and developing innovative open source solutions for disaster information management
  • Support the adoption of open standards for data exchange between information systems to manage disaster data.

The Sahana Software Foundation was established in 2009 as a non-profit organization to serve the needs and requirements of a diverse group of customers:

  • Government agencies and jurisdictions at the national, provincial or state, and local levels
  • UN Agencies, international and local charitable organizations (NGOs)
  • Communities & disaster victims
  • Technology companies & software developers

OSGeo Live 4.5 Sahana Eden Quickstart

Getting Started

Sahana Eden is already installed and configured when you start OSGeo Live. To access Sahana Eden, click here, or click on the Geospatial menu, then Crisis Management, then Sahana Eden. By default, you will have view-only rights to access the data. If you wish to create new records, or edit existing records, you will need to be logged in as a user - use the following credentials to get started.

  • Username: sahana
  • Password: sahana

If you have entered example crowd-sourced data in Ushahidi, then you can access that information in Sahana Eden by following this link.

You will find it has already been configured to access the map data and map servers that are part of OSGeo Live. Sahana Eden can utilise OpenStreetMap as an underlying map layer in the map viewing client. Sahana Eden [supports a wide range] of OpenStreetMap services.


Sahana Eden is always looking for more developers to join and contribute to our project. The primary development platform is the Python programming language and the web2py Enterprise Web Framework. We additionally are looking for contributors with skills in mapping, jquery and javascript.

Further reading

Last modified 14 years ago Last modified on 01/31/11 02:40:37
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