
Version 5 (modified by Michael Howden, 15 years ago) ( diff )

added 4W to the name

Organisation Registry / Who's doing What Where and When (4W)

"Who, What, Where"
The Organization Registry keeps track of all the relief organizations working in the disaster region. It captures not only the places where they are active, but also captures information on the range of services they are providing in each area.

User Guide:

We should aim to be able to exchange data with UN OCHA's 3W.

This means having the following tables:


  • Name
  • Acronym
  • Type IS_IN_SET([Government,International Governmental Organization,International NGO,Misc,National Institution,National NGO,United Nations])
  • Website
  • National Staff
  • International Staff
  • Number of Vehicles
  • Vehicle Types


  • Name
  • Type IS_IN_SET([Headquarters,Regional,Country,Satellite Office])
  • Phone 1
  • Phone 2
  • Email
  • Fax
  • Address 1
  • Address 2 (used for Postcode)


Handled by the Person Registry?

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Title

3x Many-to-Many tables to link them

  • structured like t2_membership


Many-to-Many table to link Offices to Organisations.
Optional validator to limit Offices as being affiliated to just a single Organisation


Many-to-Many table to link Contacts to Offices.
Optional validator to limit Contacts as being affiliated to just a single Office


Many-to-Many table to link Contacts to Organisations.
Optional validator to limit Contacts as being affiliated to just a single Organisation

Q: Is it useful to be able to have a Contact be affiliated to an Organisation but not to an Office?

  • would the default 'HQ' be appropriate?

Would be nice to add these functionalities:

  • Organigram creator from the Contacts
  • ID cards from the Contacts


Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.