
Version 17 (modified by Fran Boon, 14 years ago) ( diff )


Blueprint for LiveCD

A Live CD (probably based on Ubuntu) that can be used to demo and deploy a Sahana Eden instance.

The same CD can be used to build Virtual Machines.

It would be ideal if the maintenance scripts were in Python (but Bash is ok, especially to start with).

We want 4 different builds:

  • Lite
  • Normal
  • GIS
  • Dev


Designed to provide a quick LiveCD demo of functionality without needing any installation.

Can also be run headless as a simple server to be accessed by host's Web browser & perhaps 1-2 other users on a small LAN.

  • Python
  • Rocket (i.e. web2py's native webserver)
  • Sqlite (i.e. Python's native DB)


bzr checkout --lightweight -r 2717 lp:~mdipierro/web2py/devel web2py
cd web2py/applications
bzr checkout --lightweight -r XXX lp:~sahana-eden eden

Run with password & NIC bound to real IP (need to work out how to find this out):

python -a <password> -i x.x.x.x


Need a way to keep the system updated easily (web2page?):

cd web2py
bzr up -r <revision>
cd applications/eden
bzr up -r <revision>


Designed to be run headless in an office of up to 50 users with poor quality Internet...would be a dedicated machine if a lot of users.


  • PostgreSQL (latter better for being common to GIS)


Designed to be run headless in an office of up to 50 users with poor quality Internet...would be a dedicated machine if a lot of users.

Useful for the GPS Sharing tool, for instance.

  • InstallationGuidelinesGISData
  • Apache/WSGI
  • PostGIS
  • GeoServer
  • osmosis
  • Mapnik
  • DATA
    • Scripts to download content by geographic area (ideally these would be added to Sahana UI for use outside this environmonet too, but that could come later)
    • OpenStreetMap
    • Contours


Designed for use in Training sessions where we want to get a number of people on diverse equipment operational quickly. Should include a Desktop & Debugging tools: Eclipse & Firebug

This would replace our existing Dev VM.


bzr branch -r 2717 lp:~mdipierro/web2py/devel web2py
cd web2py/applications
bzr branch -r XXX lp:~sahana-eden eden


'update' alias

cd web2py
bzr pull -r <revision>
cd applications/eden
bzr pull -r <revision>


Chelsea School are building these for us based on TurnKey Linux


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