Changes between Version 23 and Version 24 of BugReportingGuidelines

02/02/10 20:27:55 (15 years ago)
Chamindra de Silva



  • BugReportingGuidelines

    v23 v24  
    2222''Testing UAT''
     24UAT is a static version for testing before it gets uploaded to production. Please do the majority of your testing here
    2326 1. Select an area that you will test in TestCases and add your name to it. Pick a module that has not been covered by others.
    2427 1. Test the UAT version by exploring the various navigation options and actions in the module
    2730   * if the bug exists in production mark the version of the bug as haiti-prod
    2831   * if the bug does not exist in production mark the version as haiti-uat
     32 1. Check if the bug already exists in the bug tracker by searching for tickets or looking at report #9
    2933 1. Use the template below to enter the new bug in trac:
     35''Testing Prod''
    3137Ideally this testing is done as a result of doing Data Entry - this is the critical path right now as we're still short on data & this is the area which needs to be made more bullet-proof & smooth. Data Entry tasks are being coordinated using this [ Google Spreadsheet]
    33 If you are doing system testing rather than just encountering a bug during data entry, then please test on the UAT or Dev environment:
    34  * UAT is a static version for testing before it gets uploaded to production. Please do the majority of your testing here
    35  * NB The Dev environment is updated quite regularly, so don't be surprised to see some effects (RMS especially is changing rapidly)
    36  * NB The Dev environment has modules activated which are not in production, so log these bugs as Low priority for now: DVI, Vol
     39''Testing Dev''
     40 * The Dev environment is updated quite regularly, so don't be surprised to see some effects (RMS especially is changing rapidly)
     41 * The Dev environment has modules activated which are not in production, so log these bugs as Low priority for now: DVI, Vol
    38432 Trackers being used: