
Version 81 (modified by Dominic König, 7 years ago) ( diff )


Bug Reporting Guidelines

You can report both bugs and feature requests.

How to report a bug or request a feature

We use Github to manage bugs and feature requests.

  • Before reporting or updating bugs, first register for an account and log in. (Choose the free option)
  • Go to the issue tracker for Eden.
  • Search through the existing issues; you can use the Labels dropdown to narrow down your search.
  • For open bugs make sure in the search it says ‘is:open’.

Bug reporting guidelines:

  • Please check to see if the bug you've found has already been reported.
  • Please provide full details to reproduce the problem, like the example below.
  • Be clear on which template your test is run against.
  • You may also wish to check the Commit Logs to see if the bug is being fixed. (Note to bug fixers -- please accept the bug and say you're working on it.)
  • Screenshots are good for showing the main problem screen if hard to explain
  • If you get a ticket, click the ticket link and copy/paste the traceback into your issue report. Do not just report the ticket ID - the ticket may no longer exist at the time when the issue is being worked on, or be not accessible for the developers.
  • If you are a contributor, be sure to use the correct labels when reporting your bug.

What is a Bug?

It is important to properly identify bugs as these need to be fixed in priority to implementing enhancements. Sometimes it may not be clear if issues you encounter are in fact bugs. The following ARE bugs:

  • If there is an error message reported:
    • Web2Py "Internal Error" Pages
    • Internal Server Error (50x errors)
    • Broken links (404 errors)
    • JS errors
  • If you are not actually able to perform an action due to an error in the system. There may be uncertainty around this as it may not be 100% clear if Sahana Eden is meant to support this action.

These are NOT bugs, but should be reported as enhancements:

  • Incorrect form validation
  • Usability Enhancements

Any issues which are not bugs may be reported as enhancements.

Bug Priorities

  • Critical - big functionality, stability and data integrity defects in a Production instance
  • Major - functionality and data integrity defects in UAT only
  • Minor - Data validation defects, Domain defects, Usability defects
  • Trivial - UI, Style, Labelling

Bug Types

  • Defect - bug: software gets an error or doesn't do what it's supposed to.
  • Enhancement - feature request.
  • Documentation - mistake or omission in the wiki or online help. Note you can request a Trac account and help fix documentation on the wiki.


  • DO include the contents (not just the link) or any error tickets produced


  • DO NOT Attach text/doc files - copy and paste any relevant into the ticket


System Tested:

You can obtain this from the Help->About menu (

Firefox 3.5
Windows XP

User should be logged in to the system.

URL(s) where bug was encountered:
* c

1) Click ‘Map’.
2) Click ‘Service Catalogue’.
3) Click ‘Features’.
4) Click on an ID in the Location list. (The 'Edit location' page will appear.)
5) Remove the value in the 'Latitude' field. (This step is optional)
6) Click on 'Conversion Tool' link.

Expected Result:

    The Converter should appear.

Actual Result:

    Clicking the link results nothing. Converter doesn't appear.



Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.