
Version 24 (modified by Michael Howden, 12 years ago) ( diff )


Contribute: Code

These tasks are suitable for coders of various levels. Sahana Eden using Python, JavaScript and HTML.


Tasks for beginning coders, or if new to Python or web services

Fix an Easy Ticket Pick a bug report from, try to reproduce the issue in a local instance, fix the problem and submit a patch to the ticket on Trac, then notify the Sahana-Eden mailing list about your patch for verification.

Add Social Media Share Buttons to Pages

Add code which displays buttons to Share to Social Media (at least facebook & twitter) on every page.

  • This should be controllable from a deployment_setting
  • Please push the code to a branch on launchpad for review and submit a link to this branch

Common Operational Datasets

Update Pootle

Provide a set of admin scripts (bzr post-commit hook?) to update Pootle with any changed strings as a Merge.


These are a various GIS/Mapping Tasks:

  • Add a delay to the onHover tooltip (highlightControl)
  • Continue Integration of Potlatch
    • for editing the main OSM database
    • for editing a local OSM database
  • Make the display_feature() & display_features() popup a Window instead of opening in a DIV
  • Replace the Measure Length/Area tools with GeoExt.ux
  • Option to go Full screen & back
    • Full screen view (No Ext window) will be required for use on a small-screen, such as a Mobile device
  • Layer Tree
  • Get a pr/person/presence record upon login if HTML5 GeoLocation available & not changed since last time
    • login_next
  • Map Preview when Lat/Lon set in pr/person/presence (auto or not)

Use the Mapping API to:

  • Color coded maps according to Geo-data (threats, needs, etc)
  • Placing variable sized markers on the map in proportion to data (number of people in camp, number of families needing food)

Lat/Lon converter

Portuguese Volunteer Firefighters (Bombeiros) use Eden.

They get given Lat/Lon coordinates in Degrees/Minutes/Seconds, but Eden stores internally as Decimal degrees.


  • Create a represent function to output the data as D/M/S
  • Create a validator (& possibly widget) to allow entry of this format & have it converted to decimal dagrees for storage

Scale Uploaded Images

When images are uploaded we can limit the size, however larger pictures should be scaled instead.

This should be implemented as a Validator modules/s3/ The size limitation should be configurable in the model for that specific field, with a sensible default.

Bonus points: UI to crop image (this would be a Widget: modules/s3/

Ideally the image would be resized client-side to make it faster to upload...this might be hard with pure JS, so would need to be Flash?

Example: Personal Profile Picture

Suggestion Box

Here are some potential features for a "suggestion box", roughly in order of priority:

  • Text data entry form -- just use standard Eden database fields like "timestamp", "authorstamp", and "comments", maybe with a subject field.
  • Allow defining topics or keywords. Let user choose a topic for their suggestion. Add all module names as an initial list of topics.
  • Simple search in the body of posts -- match words.
  • Regexp search.
  • Allow commenting on (replying to) suggestions -- show comment thread with original post.
  • Some form of importance rating (e.g. voting up or down).
  • Original suggestion from:

Map elements between EDXL-SITREP and EDXL-RM

Proposed by: | Nuwan
Specific : There are several elements within the | EDXL-SITREP data standard that are identical to that of | EDXL-RM. The objective is to create a descriptive table of those elements that a programmer can use to develop a set of procedures to strip the RM data from SITREP to manage records in the relational database
Measurable : Requires diligently investigating each and every data element then comparing them with the two data standards SITREP and RM. Requires knowledge of data types and XML. If not, this exercise will help the student learn about XML and data standards
Attainable :
Step 1 :: Go through EDXL-RM and EDXL-SITREP documentations
Step 2 :: create example files to get an understanding of the data and structure
Step 3 :: develop the table with RM and SITREP elements with a description
Step 4 :: develop a simple XSL file to strip the RM data from SITREP
Relevant : Applies to Sahana interoperability policy. Given that Eden does support resource and incident management, it is important to derive the response resources and resource requirements from situational reports. This function would help automate some of those data extraction functions. That requires integrating the SITREP and RM components with underlying Eden schema
Time-bound : The exercise of understanding the data standards and mapping the elements should not take more than one week. developing a XSL to test the mapping may take another week, depending on the level of expertise with XML. (NB this is far too large a task for GCI. -- Pat)
Evaluate : The mapping table is the determining output. However, the example RM and SITREP files are also required.
Reevaluate : If the XSL transformation is developed, then the mapping can be tested with the sample RM and SITREP files

Review code for quality of localized strings

All strings which appear in the user interface, such as in menus and forms and help info, should be "internationalized" -- marked to make them available to be translated into different languages. This is done by putting the strings inside of T( ), e.g. T("This string will be written into language files to be translated"). The strings in T( ) are keys that are used to look up translated strings. By convention, the key strings are in US English.

For GCI, you will need to review all the internationalized strings in the model and controller files for a single module, eg:

  • controllers\, models\, and views/gis/*.html
  • controllers\, models\, and views/hrm/*.html
  • controllers\ and views/default/*.html

Check for:

  • Incomplete or cut-off sentences in the translation strings
  • Avoid concatenation of localized strings with variables - use %s or %(key)s instead. That is, instead of:
    T("My name is ") + name
    use this:
    T("My name is %s") % name
    And instead of:
    T("The item ") + item + T(" is not available in ") +
    use this:
    T("The item %(item)s is not available in %(place)s.") % {"item": item, "place":}
    This is better because the word order is not the same in all languages -- in the second form, the translator can move where the variables are inserted.
  • Look for fields without a label - e.g. Field("fieldname") as these cannot be localised.
  • Look at strings that have not been wrapped in T( ) to see if they ought to be. But be cautious: Not all strings need to be localized, and some definitely should not be:
    • Strings that are used as keys in dicts, e.g. {"this_is_a_key": 5}, should not be localized.
    • A string that is intended to be in one specific language should not be localized (e.g. the language names in the language menu in deployment-templates/models/
  • Consider improving consistency of wording / terminology - don't use different strings that mean the same thing, e.g. if there is T("My name is") in one place, avoid using T("I am called") somewhere else.

You will need to download a working branch of Sahana Eden code for this task and push the changes you make to your own branch on Git.

Please focus on modules which are enabled by default.


Feature Enhancements

  • Fix UI issues, add features, provide user-requested enhancements.

OSM Importer UI

A nice further refinement would be to provide a UI to select a BBOX & optional filter to pull down the .osm file via XAPI

  • Initially this could be manual text box entry of BBOX/filter
  • Then add a Map-based BBOX selection & dropdowns for the filter (which prepopulate the real dropdowns for manual verification/amendment)

Recurring Requests

e.g. Shelter needs 100 liters of water/week

Want to be able to add Scheduling functionality to Requests.

There is a wrapper for Web2Py's Scheduler class in modules/s3/

Can use UI ideas/code from Sync

Fix an Hard Ticket Pick a bug report from, try to reproduce the issue in a local instance, fix the problem and submit a patch to the ticket on Trac, then notify the Sahana-Eden mailing list about your patch for verification.

Build library(ies) to integrate Emergency Data Exchange Language Distribution Element

Difficulty : HARD proposed by: | Nuwan
Specific : | EDXL-DE is the final wrapper (envelope) of all | EDXL data package. We may be delivering a EDXL Resource Management (RM) information and Situational Reporting (SITREP) information to the managers of several emergency organizations. The DE will contain who, when, and where those RM and SITREP data parcels would be delivered. Every EDXL message (data package) must carry this information. Otherwise, it cannot use available distribution methods and would need to rely on its own protocol; that's not very user friendly.
Measurable: It is purely a coding task that involves playing with XML and developing a class, possibly within or using the ??? 3R ??? framework It is basically a set of procedures for packing and unpacking EDXL-DE wrapped data.
Attainable: run through the steps
Step 1 :: select one of the existing EDXL-based applications in Eden, I recommend the EDXL-RM
Step 2 :: discuss each of the attributes/elements; then determine how EDXL-DE would be added to EDXL-RM as a pop-up GUI.
Step 3 :: create some example XML files to get a feel for the inputs and outputs
Step 4 :: write code to add to take the inputs EDXL-RM and EDXL-DE to package the data for delivery
Step 5 :: test the code, fix bugs, and generalize the functions
Step 6 :: Apply to EDXL-HAVE and EDXL-SITREP to generalize the library
Relevant : Applies to Sahana Interoperability policy. Present developments to investigate are: HAVE, RM, and SITREP
Time-bound: If steps 1 - 4 are completed that can be a full accomplishment; additional work is a bonus
Evaluate : Produce XML files with the EDXL-DE element appended to the EDXL-RM, SITREP, or HAVE
Reevaluate: Use an API to add and strip the EDXL-DE to any EDXL data standard. Use the same set of XML files to run through this process


Have a look at a BluePrint to see what advanced code contributions are needed.


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