49 | | 1. Prepare your presentation (notes/PowerPoint/demo) and share with the Sahana Eden MailingList |
50 | | 1. Deliver your presentation. If possible record this on video. |
51 | | 1. Report back to the Sahana Eden MailingList |
| 49 | 1. Prepare your presentation (notes/PowerPoint/demo). |
| 50 | 1. Share this with the [http://wiki.sahanafoundation.org/doku.php?id=community:mailing_lists#sahana-eden sahana-eden mailing list] so they can offer suggestions and corrections. We'll ask you to record your talk on video -- if this isn't possible please discuss on the list what to do instead. |
| 51 | 1. Deliver your presentation. Please record this on video (or verify that the presentation was given by the means you discussed above). |
| 52 | 1. Report back to the sahana-eden mailing list: |