| 22 | |
| 23 | |
| 24 | === Conduct a Usability Test === |
| 25 | 1. Find a person to do be your test subject for the Usability Test. Anyone will do! |
| 26 | 1. On either the [http://demo.eden.sahanafoundation.org/ The Sahana Eden Demo Site] or a local instance of Sahana Eden get your test subject to go through one of these workflows |
| 27 | 1. Add a New Volunteer |
| 28 | 1. Write up a report on the Usability Test and send it to the Sahana Eden MailingList. |
| 29 | 1. What the test subject found easy |
| 30 | 1. What the test subject found hard |
| 31 | 1. What the test subject liked |
| 32 | 1. What the test subject dis-liked |
| 33 | 1. What would you improve in Sahana Eden (even better if you can make these improvements!) |
| 34 | |
| 35 | For more instructions of how to conduct a usability test from the book "Don't Make Me Think" go to: http://www.sensible.com/downloads-dmmt.html |