
Version 38 (modified by Fran Boon, 13 years ago) ( diff )


Bombeiros are volunteer firefighters in Portugal.

They tried Eden during a simulation which became a real incident & added value immediately , straight out of the box!

See attached testimonial from the president of the APBV.



Import HRM data from

  • (this system keeps crashing & was expensive)
  • Can export as ;-separated CSV using SQL commands
  • No need to have the output look the same as the current PDFs


Portuguese Firefighters & Red Cross use a common standard for human resources skills defined by the Ministry of Health, which is certified by attending the requisite hours of training & passing both written & practical exams.

Skills are re-credentialled every 6 months:

  • checking minimum time of active duty (275 hrs)
  • a managerial performance rating: pass/fail

& 12 months:

  • checking minimum time of training (70 hrs)
  • a managerial performance rating: 1 (unfit) to 5 (well fitted for the work)
    • need at least 4 points for 5 years to be promoted in rank
  • attended refresher training course
  • Drivers have other standards (psycho-technical assessment every year)


  • Firefighter/EMT (150 hr course)
  • Firefighter/EMS (500 hr course inc some medical training and advanced life support)
<apocsantos> portuguese standards for emergency personnel are all clearly defined by law, and eveyone has different ID numbers for each specific trainning and an identification card
<apocsantos> for example my EMT Card Unique Identifier is 36031
<apocsantos> there is no-one in portugal not firefighter or from any other organization with the same EMT Training Certification Number
<apocsantos> all the "credential system" is based on unique identifiers that can be "cross-check" between databases
<apocsantos> for example if I respond to a car accident while off duty the portuguese authority's (police) ask me for the EMT Training ID and Firefighter ID
<apocsantos> they can radio in the ID's an have my credentials validated


Standardised Vehicle Types:

Locations, classified by Response Times to Incident Location:

  • Airport Crash
    • North of Terminal
      • within 5km radius: airport staff 1st in line
      • 5-20km radius: Vila do Conde (15 mins ETA. Morreira da maia have 10 min ETA, but they don't have the same resources)
    • South of Terminal
      • within 10km radius: airport staff 1st in line
      • 10+km radius: Oporto professional firefighters

Incident Tracking

There is a need to share data about an incident between a fire department and the district command center (CDOS). Current process is that the OPCOM at the Fire station provides the information over the radio, on the other side, another OPCOM is writing it all on paper, and type it again in a completely different software running on windows console....This takes a long time.

Data Attributes:

  • date
  • time of alert
  • time of dispatch
  • location
  • type of emergency (9999 types and sub-types. e.g. 5100: Car Accident)
  • # victims
  • vehicle(s) - by ID
    • crew on board - by ID (A per-Incident link table), with a field for leader ('ranking member') & another for driver (usually, but not always the same)


We want a way of notifying the relevant human resources that they are required (which is a link between the required skills & the available skills).

  • ideally single button to send out the mobilisation notification
  • major emergencies require this to be done by a senior person

Taking shifts into account:

  • should have people check-in when they arrive on-shift & check-out when going off-shift
  • American Red Cross have 12 hour alternating shift patterns


One of the biggest problems right now, which could potentially be easy to solve is Dispatch.

Currently the OPCOM provides the EMS crew with the limited available information & then they deploy. There is no way to update the crews except for voice radio. Since all EMS crew have smartphones then a simple app to update the crea with the precise incident location & any extra information on scale, etc would be extremely valuable.

We have integrated OpenGeoSMS to handle this.

Note that these messages are still usable on a phone without the app installed & even on a conventional phone (if the recipient is preapred to manually transfer the coordinates to their GPS).

We have automated the selection of appropriate vehicles & added on-shift personnel, however we haven't yet got Ranking. Each member of the team at a station has a unique rank. Lowest # in the deployed team is the Incident Commander. Local commander always outranks incoming support from outside the area.

Staff -> vehicle assignments should be done manually as it is done by whoever is ready 1st.

A Drag and Drop UI could help for this?

  • like the one used by Delphi Decisions to Vote


Personnel who are deployed for more than x hours should be provided with food & drink. This need should be clearly visible on the deployment board, as should the need for refuelling of vehicles to keep the pumps running:

Location Updates via Radio

Use GPS from Tetra radios to show Personnel & Vehicles on the Map

TETRA radios are carried by vehicles & personnel. These broadcast GPS location which can be output from the receiver as a CSV file:

<apocsantos> id;lat;log;speed
<apocsantos> the file name is the date (now) + equipment id
<apocsantos> 20111013130311111
<apocsantos> 20111013 is the date
<apocsantos> 1303 firedepartment code
<apocsantos> 11111 the id of the radio
<apocsantos> in this case is the id of the command and control vehicle
<apocsantos> the first digit of id identifies the type
<apocsantos> (1) 1111 the id of the radio the first one in the ID means that it is a vehicle
<apocsantos> it it was a 2 it was a Human
<apocsantos> 3 - plane / helicopter

We can have a script move this file & then import it (so that each import contains no duplicates to clean laboriously).

We can import to the Trackable super-entity (sit_trackable) since that is common to both people & vehicles (assets)....we need to copy the GPS_id from the vehicle resource to the super_entity/person/asset.

Map Symbology

Use the symbology as per attached document: SITAC_2009.xlsx

Wildfire forecasting

Create a mathematical model for spreading of wildfires & display on the Eden map. This could use SciPy (which is already an optional dependency for S3Cube).

This should make use of the real-time data from the local weather stations which is available via IP (Oracle SQL access to RISE system)

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