EdenMobile Coding Conventions
We want to follow a consistent coding style and naming conventions in EdenMobile.
Everything that is not described on this page, should aim to follow the AngularJS Style Guide:
In alignment with Eden conventions, EdenMobile uses single quotes for string literals.
var aString = 'use single quotes for string literals';
Naming Conventions
For names of AngularJS components of EdenMobile, such as services, directives, controllers, etc we use the em prefix.
Controllers use the uppercase prefix:
EdenMobile.controller('EMSynchronisationController', [ '$scope', '$state', '$stateParams', function($scope, $state, $stateParams) { } ]);
All other components use the lowercase prefix:
EdenMobile.directive('emExampleDirective', [ '$compile', function($compile) { } ]);
For all other JavaScript, we use camelCase (or PascalCase, respectively) - not underscores as word separator - without the em-Prefix.
Classes (=constructor functions) use the uppercase PascalCase:
function MyConstructor() { this.someAttribute = 'example'; }
Variables, attributes, methods use the lowercase camelCase:
var doSomething = function(param) { var localVariable = param + 7; }
Global Variables
Ideally, there should be only very few global variables - wherever possible, they should be defined as AngularJS services instead:
EdenMobile.value('emGlobalVariable', 'some value');
...or using the factory method, respectively.
- the
module (=the application itself) CordovaApp
, which provides access to the Cordova layer