53 | | As every XML standart, EDXL-HAVE have some limitations because of predefined tags, especially time tags. For example, in EDXL-HAVE "estimate of the beds, above the current number, that could be made vacant/available within x hours" exist only for 24 and 72 hours. |
| 53 | The major limitation of EDXL-HAVE is that EDXL lacks elements/attributes to represent record ownership (administrating domain of a record) or field-level changes (who has changed which data element and when?), and the representation of record identity is very weak -- this is important for disaster situations when network availability is constantly changing and unpredictable and data may be scattered across multiple data stores. Possible workaround is to use embedded EDXL in [http://tablecast.org/ TableCast]. Something like this: |
| 54 | |
| 55 | {{{ |
| 56 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
| 57 | <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" |
| 58 | xmlns:tc="http://schemas.google.com/tablecast/2010"> |
| 59 | <id>tag:repository2.com,2010:feed1</id> |
| 60 | <updated>2010-07-02T20:11:03Z</updated> |
| 61 | <entry> |
| 62 | <id>tag:repository1.com,2010:entry1</id> |
| 63 | <updated>2010-07-02T20:11:03Z</updated> |
| 64 | <author><uri>mailto:user@mailprovider.org</uri></author> |
| 65 | <title>tag:repository1.com,2010:entry1</title> |
| 66 | <content type="application/tablecast+xml"> |
| 67 | <tc:edit tc:record="HospitalName/Activity24Hr" |
| 68 | tc:author="mailto:user@mailprovider.org" |
| 69 | tc:effective="2010-06-29T15:27:39Z" |
| 70 | tc:type="{http://schemas.google.com/tablecast/2010}row"> |
| 71 | <tc:row> |
| 72 | <tc:field tc:name="Admissions">"120"</tc:field> |
| 73 | <tc:field tc:name="Discharges" |
| 74 | tc:comment="Doubtful info">55</tc:field> |
| 75 | </tc:row> |
| 76 | </tc:edit> |
| 77 | </content> |
| 78 | </entry> |
| 79 | </feed> |
| 80 | |
| 81 | }}} |
| 82 | |
| 83 | This entry says that, at 15:27:39 on June 29, 2010, UTC, someone with the e-mail address user@mailprovider.org edited two fields on the record with identifier "HospitalName/Activity24Hr", setting the "Admissions" field to the number 120 and "Discharges" to the number 55. The latter change also has an associated change comment explaining that the value 55 was "Doubtful info". |
| 84 | |
| 85 | Moreover, as every XML standart, EDXL-HAVE have some limitations because of predefined tags, especially time tags. For example, in EDXL-HAVE "estimate of the beds, above the current number, that could be made vacant/available within x hours" exist only for 24 and 72 hours. |