

12-14 November 2010 Ho Chi Minh City


Sahana Open Source Disaster Management Platform - Slides


You work for a new NGO which provides disaster relief and recovery interventions in a province in Vietnam. As part of your disaster preparedness activities you need to enter information about your organisation and pre-positioned inventories of relief supplies.

  1. Register yourself as a user on Sahana
  2. In your group create a name for and register your organisation
  3. Add all of your group members as staff of the organisation
  4. Create an office for your organisation
  5. Create Inventories for your organisation
  6. Add Relief Items to each Inventory


Select the assessment information for your group number and enter it using the Basic Assess.

Assessment Report 1: Thượng Trạch

Population: 1823 (2006 Census)

  • 75% of Houses are still flooded and most of these will require significant repair in order to become livable.
  • People have reported feeling ill after drinking from their wells.

Assessment Report 2: Lâm Trạch

Population: 3387 (2006 Census)

  • 75% of houses are still flooded.
  • All water supplies have been damaged by the floods.
  • Children and Old People are especially at risk of water borne diseases.
  • Lâm Trạch Health Clinic is facing a major shortage of medicine.

Assessment Report 3: Phúc Trạch

Population: 9866 (2006 Census)

  • Half of all houses have been flooded, and half of these have been permanently damaged.
  • 5600Ha of rice paddies will not be able to be planted unless the flood waters drain.

Assessment Report 4: Hải Trạch

Population: 8707 (2006 Census)

  • Hải Trạch has been isolated by landslides and food supplies for the entire town are running out.
  • 4700Ha of rice paddies which were planted have been flooded. They will need new seeds to re-plant the fields in time for the next harvest.

Assessment Report 5: Xuân Trạch

Population: 5097 (2006 Census)

  • A local piggery has been flooded, and all of the pigs have either drowned or escaped. The population relied on this piggery for their pork supply and now only have chicken, rice and vegetables to eat.
  • 10% of the houses close to the river have been destroyed, but these are only the houses of an ethnic minority, so the population said that they did not need assistance
  • Xuân Trạch is a major rice exporter and 25% of the rice paddies are flooded.
  • The town leader offered the assessment team an envelope to increase the level of reported damage.

Moving Forward

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Last modified 14 years ago Last modified on 11/14/10 05:13:16

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