Version 10 (modified by 15 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
The Codeathon at GHC2010 is intended to introduce participants to rapid development of FOSS applications in a collective coding setting. We expect participants with any level of familiarity with coding and with the specific tools used in Sahana Eden, so want to provide a range of options for projects. We also want to send out material that participants can review in advance, as there will be little time for training during the codeathon. Facilitators can receive more direct training and practice in advance.
- Atlanta 30th September
- GHC website
Pre-Codeathon Training for Facilitators
- Python intro
- Eden / Web2py intro
- Facilitating at a barcamp
- Simplified agile (incremental development, short cycles, partner programming,...)
Pre-Codeathon Preparation for Participants
- Python intro
- Eden / Web2py intro
- What to expect at a barcamp, crisiscamp, etc.
- Remote participation in FOSS development
- Survey participants software development experience
Codeathon Projects
(I'm not convinced that the distinction for tasks should be between Python coders and non-Python coders. Perhaps between people familiar with web services and not? --Pat)
Projects for non-coders
- Use testing
- Reporting bugs
- Entering data on live Pakistan site
- Researching info for Pakistan site
Projects for non-Python (or non-web services) coders
- Bug fixing
- Small-scale projects
- Projects that don't require lots of reading of S3 docs ;-)
Projects for Python (or web services) coders
- Something needed for Pakistan (depends on what's left to do)
Projects not yet rated for difficulty
- Job Jar
- UI for assigning data entry or similar tasks to users
- Track who does what, mark completed
- Admin UI for defining tasks
- Cross-check / verify task, or compare result of 2 users on same task
- Tweak the Tweet (or SMS) parsing
- Parse formatted SMS messages or tweets (e.g. key value pairs)
- Detect when message interpretation isn't certain and dispatch to a human reader (use Job Jar)
- Create database records from parsed messages
- Digitizing region boundaries on maps
- UI that allows user to digitize boundaries on map images
- Zoom in on map image
- Mark points with known latitude, longitude as references
- Mark points along boundaries
- Compute polygons for regions from digitized boundary points
- UI that allows user to digitize boundaries on map images