
Grace Hopper Celebration Codeathon for Humanity

The Codeathon at GHC2010 is intended to introduce participants to rapid development of FOSS applications in a collective coding setting. We expect participants with any level of familiarity with coding and with the specific tools used in Sahana Eden, so want to provide a range of options for projects. We also want to send out material that participants can review in advance, as there will be little time for training during the codeathon. Facilitators can receive more direct training and practice in advance.

Codeathon Feedback

The Codeathon and the Open Source Track at Grace Hopper were sponsored by the NSA. A big thank you to the NSA!

If you think we should do this again next year, please send feedback to stormy - at - Your feedback will help us have a great event next year and might help us secure funding.

How to get started and where to find us

Pre-Conference IRC Meetup

Sunday, September 26, 2010, 17:00-19:00 UTC (10:00-12:00 PDT, 13:00-15:00 EDT, 18:00-20:00 UK)

  • on
  • in #sahana-ghc

Pre-Codeathon setup assistance & training, Wednesday 9/29

  • Come to the Learning Center from 13:00-15:00 EDT. Get your setup done, ask questions, try the coding exercise.
  • Drop by the F/OSS booth. There are flash drives with the VirtualBox installation, and there will be help available from 9:00-11:00 and 15:00-16:00 EDT.

Codeathon, Thursday 9/30 17:15-19:00pm, International Ballroom

Resources for Participants and Facilitators

Codeathon Projects

Codeathon Planning Information

Last modified 14 years ago Last modified on 03/05/11 11:37:07
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