
Version 41 (modified by Fran Boon, 13 years ago) ( diff )


Tasks for GCI

(1.0) Code

(1.1) Fixing Bugs

(1.1.1) 2 x Hard:

(1.1.2) 2 x Easy:

(1.2) Enhancements

(1.2.1) Medium (Fran): Projects/Basic#ScaleUploadedImages

(1.2.2) Build library(ies) to integrate Emergency Data Exchange Language Distribution Element

Difficulty : HARD proposed by: | Nuwan
Specific : | EDXL-DE is the final wrapper (envelope) of all | EDXL data package. We may be delivering a EDXL Resource Management (RM) information and Situational Reporting (SITREP) information to the managers of several emergency organizations. The DE will contain who, when, and where those RM and SITREP data parcels would be delivered. Every EDXL message (data package) must carry this information. Otherwise, it cannot use available distribution methods and would need to rely on its own protocol; that's not very user friendly.
Measurable: It is purely a coding task that involves playing with XML and developing a class, possibly within or using the ??? 3R ??? framework It is basically a set of procedures for packing and unpacking EDXL-DE wrapped data.
Attainable: run through the steps
Step 1 :: select one of the existing EDXL-based applications in Eden, I recommend the EDXL-RM
Step 2 :: discuss each of the attributes/elements; then determine how EDXL-DE would be added to EDXL-RM as a pop-up GUI.
Step 3 :: create some example XML files to get a feel for the inputs and outputs
Step 4 :: write code to add to take the inputs EDXL-RM and EDXL-DE to package the data for delivery
Step 5 :: test the code, fix bugs, and generalize the functions
Step 6 :: Apply to EDXL-HAVE and EDXL-SITREP to generalize the library
Relevant : Applies to Sahana Interoperability policy. Present developments to investigate are: HAVE, RM, and SITREP
Time-bound: If steps 1 - 4 are completed that can be a full accomplishment; additional work is a bonus
Evaluate : Produce XML files with the EDXL-DE element appended to the EDXL-RM, SITREP, or HAVE
Reevaluate: Use an API to add and strip the EDXL-DE to any EDXL data standard. Use the same set of XML files to run through this process

(1.3) Packaging

(1.3.1) Easy (Fran): Windows Installer for End-Users

(1.3.2) Easy (Fran): Windows Installer for Developers

(2.0) Documentation

(2.1) Reviewing a chapter in the Sahana Eden Essential Guide

( by following the specific instructions & highlighting what could be further clarified, or identifying errors

(3.0) Outreach

(3.1) Design Trac template to align with:

(3.2) Videos

(3.3) Give a presentation on Sahana Eden to a group (And Video) - hard

(3.4) Design an IRC Bot to automatically greet new people who join the sahana-eden channel

ping members of the PMC and keep a record of all people who join the channel.

(4.0) Quality Assurance

  • 2 xTesting and reporting bugs
  • Using Selenium IDE create test scripts for application (easy)
  • Document the data needed for a selenium test script to run from a bare (prepopulated) system (medium)
  • Take a selenium script (see above) and using the test API generate a python test (hard)

(5.0) Research

(5.1) 3 x Create disaster scenarios & demos with data through pre-populate

(5.2) Map elements between EDXL-SITREP and EDXL-RM

Difficulty : EASY Proposed by: | Nuwan
Specific : There are several elements within the | EDXL-SITREP data standard that are identical to that of | EDXL-RM. The objective is to create a descriptive table of those elements that a programmer can use to develop a set of procedures to strip the RM data from SITREP to manage records in the relational database
Measurable : Requires diligently investigating each and every data element then comparing them with the two data standards SITREP and RM. Requires knowledge of data types and XML. If not, this exercise will help the student learn about XML and data standards
Attainable :
Step 1 :: Go through EDXL-RM and EDXL-SITREP documentations
Step 2 :: create example files to get an understanding of the data and structure
Step 3 :: develop the table with RM and SITREP elements with a description
Step 4 :: develop a simple XSL file to strip the RM data from SITREP
Relevant : Applies to Sahana interoperability policy. Given that Eden does support resource and incident management, it is important to derive the response resources and resource requirements from situational reports. This function would help automate some of those data extraction functions. That requires integrating the SITREP and RM components with underlying Eden schema
Time-bound : The exercise of understanding the data standards and mapping the elements should not take more than one week. developing a XSL to test the mapping may take another week, depending on the level of expertise with XML.
Evaluate : The mapping table is the determining output. However, the example RM and SITREP files are also required.
Reevaluate : If the XSL transformation is developed, then the mapping can be tested with the sample RM and SITREP files

(5.3) Blue print to add Transliteration to text entry controls

Difficulty : MEDIUM Proposed by: | Nuwan
Specific : , for example with engine or any other generic plug-in
Measurable :
Attainable :
Relevant :
Time-bound :
Evaluate :
Reevaluate :

(5.4) Provide UTF8 names for Locations exported from GADM in Vietnam

Mentor: Fran

e.g. using Wikipedia

  • see attached spreadsheet VNM_adm4.7z (L1 has been done, focus on L2 1st, then L3, then finally L4 if you can)
    table = db.gis_location
    query = (table.level == "L1")
    db(query & (table.code == "3289")).update(name="Bắc Trung Bộ (North Central Coast)")
    db(query & (table.code == "3290")).update(name="Đông Bắc (North East)")
    db(query & (table.code == "3291")).update(name="đồng bằng sông Cửu Long (Mekong River Delta)")
    db(query & (table.code == "3292")).update(name="Đồng Bằng Sông Hồng (Red River Delta)")
    db(query & (table.code == "3293")).update(name="Đông Nam Bộ (South East)")
    db(query & (table.code == "3294")).update(name="Nam Trung Bộ (South Central Coast)")
    db(query & (table.code == "3295")).update(name="Tây Bắc (North West)")
    db(query & (table.code == "3296")).update(name="Tây Nguyên (Central Highlands)")

(6.0) Training

(7.0) Translation

  • Translating key phases (from home page)
  • Review code to for quality of localized strings (1 task = 3 fixes)
    • Avoid concatenation of localized strings - use %(variable_name)s instead
    • Avoid non keyboard characters (Excel doesn't handle these)
    • Try to use consistent language

(8.0) User Interface

(8.1) Provide feedback on Workflows in Sahana Eden

(8.2) design a better homepage for Sahana Eden (wireframes)

(8.3) Design a better GUI (deliverable: "wireframes" = moderate)

for Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) with capabilities for multi-language alerting and multi-media delivery; use Agasti CAP Broker as a starting point (Nuwan) Difficulty : MEDIUM Proposed by: | Nuwan
Specific : , for example with engine or any other generic plug-in
Measurable :
Attainable :
Relevant :
Time-bound :
Evaluate :
Reevaluate :

(8.4) design a GUI (deliverable: "wireframes" = hard)

Difficulty : MEDIUM Proposed by: | Nuwan
Specific : , for example with engine or any other generic plug-in
Measurable :
Attainable :
Relevant :
Time-bound :
Evaluate :
Reevaluate :
for building implementation specific XSL documents that generate SMS, Email, IVR, tweet, etc multi-media delivery text outputs (Nuwan)

Attachments (35)

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