
Demo Guidelines

You can follow these simple steps to test the features that have been built during this project.

Testing Incident Reporting(IRS)

Here, you can use the Sahana Android Client for creating Incident reports. Just follow the steps below:

1.Register on the demo website at .
2.Update your contact details by going to Person Registry and saving your mobile phone number.
3.Now, open the Sahana Android app and tap on Incident Report.
4.Enter the number +12243658597 in the To input box and the message in the compose input box.
5.Now, the message should be in the following format:
<category> <name_of_incident>
6.In case you are not able to send the message through the Android Client, you can also copy the URL from here as shown below and the message would like:
<URL> <category_of_incident> <name_of_incident>

URL =><lat>,<lon>&GeoSMS=SI (Enter lat , lon of your choice)

7.You will receive a confirmation message stating the status of the message request.
8.Go to and open the incident report.
9.Assign a staff to the report (most preferably yourself) under the Responder(s) tab.
10.Go to the Dispatch tab and send the deployment request.
11.Reply to the message in the expected format:
SI#<report_id> <Response(Yes/No)> <Comments> e.g. SI#1 Yes These are my comments.
12.The response will be logged in the report.

In case of any discrepancy or for further details , you may refer to the User Guidelines MessageParsingUserGuidelines

Last modified 13 years ago Last modified on 08/22/12 16:38:42
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