

This project draws ideas from the Blueprint below:

Weekly Meeting

Time : Wednesday 1100 UTC

Venue : IRC sahana-meeting

Meeting Doc :


Project Goals and Timeline

Due Date SMART goal Measure Status
First Half (17 June - 05 August)
17 June Retrieve list of active modules and mark them selected by default List was correctly retrieved Completed
21 June Display only active modules along with name_nice Core modules and others were hidden correctly Completed
28 June Build a dependency system for selection of modules Was done correctly for inv module and tested (When only inv was selected strings from supply were also displayed) Completed
5th July Retrieve list of csv files from tasks.cfg file inside template folder Using S3BulkImporter Class Completed
10th July Use S3Represent to check which csv files are to be considered It is done only for org_sector & org_organisation_type and strings from these csv files were retrieved correctly Completed
15th July Get po files from Used requests, zipfile to get the po files. Files were received Completed
20th July Select fields to be translated from csv files using represent.fields attribute It is done for org_sector correctly Completed
31st July For pootle integration think of a possible solution which ensures that latest change wins Workflow has been discussed Completed
8th August Set up local pootle server and upload files to it using python mechanize Files were uploaded successfuly Completed
15th August Write a merge script to merge two sets of strings Script was working as expected Completed
20th August Write unit test for the merge script All unit tests passed Completed
31st August Complete pootle script for synchronization was written Script was written and tested on local pootle server Completed
5th September Some Fixes for translation module were done Fixes were made correctly Completed
12th September Small changes to configuration variable in pootle script Changes such as configuring deployment settings were done Completed
Last modified 12 years ago Last modified on 09/15/13 17:07:30
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