Version 10 (modified by 11 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Syria Crisis
Table of Contents
Sahana Eden is being setup to store, manage & display 3W (Who, What, Where) data for the Syria crisis to aid decision makers:
Register yourself or login as:
l: p: testing
Coordination via Freenode IRC: #ohicodesprint
This is being done for the Open Humanitarian Initiative (OHI) hack week:
For Syria & also Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan & Turkey:
Setup InstanceSetup Template- Setup Menus
- private/templates/Syria/view/layout.html
- Front page design inc Photos
- Add Data Models
- Roads & Bridges to Transport module
- Schools - just use org_facility or start a new module for Education?
- Extend Data Models
- Coverage for msg_basestation
- 2nd gis_location with Polygon selector to draw manually
- Use Antenna height/strength, Frequency & Elevation Map to determine programmatically (like RadioMobile)
- Coverage for msg_basestation
- Import Data
- Locations: Admin Boundaries & P-codes
- Demographics
- Refugees
- probably stats_demographic_data for overall #s
- Shelters:
- Make this easier with Excel Import Wrapper - Dominic?
- Visualise Data - Max Shron interested to help with defining best way for users to see data
- Maps
- Example Styling for Demographics (print-friendly, colorblind-safe, 5 classes from Colorbrewer):
- Serve via GeoServer WMS?
- (same login as for Syria site)
- Graphs
- S3Report2
- Maps
- Location Selector (probably best for Fran to do this)
- Either add multi-country support to S3LocationSelectorWidget2 or
- add support for Bootstrap theme to S3LocationSelectorWidget
Attachments (1)
(2.3 MB
) - added by 11 years ago.
Syria Admin Boundaries converted from GDB to Shapefile (Arabic names munged)
See TracWiki
for help on using the wiki.