| 1 | = EDXL Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Code-fest = |
| 2 | |
| 3 | '''Place''': [https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Orion+City+IT+Park,+sri+lanka&hl=en&ll=6.941785,79.879999&spn=0.002599,0.004206&sll=6.941332,79.880001&sspn=0.002375,0.003192&client=ubuntu&channel=fs&oe=utf-8&fb=1&hq=Orion+City+IT+Park,+sri+lanka&view=map&ftid=0x3ae25854aa9518a1:0x69ef8ede7a872acf&ftt=3393&geocode=FX7raQAdNd7CBA&t=m&z=18&iwloc=A Orion IT City Park] |
| 4 | |
| 5 | '''Date''': 19 June 2014 |
| 6 | |
| 7 | Tools: |
| 8 | * Sahana Eden CAP Broker |
| 9 | * CAPEditor |
| 10 | * Google Pubsubhubbub |
| 11 | * Mobile HTML5/JS publisher |
| 12 | * Simple Alert ('''possibly not ???''') |
| 13 | * Microsoft (talk to Peter) |
| 14 | |
| 15 | Scenarios: |
| 16 | * value click code-fest + Google atom/rss (pubsubhub)+ high wind event <param>??? use existing CAP temple + broader, narrower, take advantage of caching REST ??? |
| 17 | * pictographs (action orient words, what fonts, what languages) thesaurus - Sahana Pictographs database |
| 18 | * |
| 19 | |
| 20 | Facilitators |
| 21 | 1. Eliot Christian''' (link to profile ???)''', CAP Program Committee Chair |
| 22 | 1. Elysa Jones, [http://www.oasis-open.org/) OASIS EM-TC Chair] |
| 23 | 1. Nuwan Waidyanatha, Sahana Software Foundation Standards & Interoperability Chair and [http://lirneasia.net/profiles/nuwan-waidyanatha LIRNEasia Senior Research Fellow] |