
Why replace SourceForge with Launchpad?

Note: As of January 2012, BZR/Launchpad info for eden is deprecated. Please visit the GitHub page. Thanks.

Sahana-Eden is a registered sub-project of the main Sahana LaunchPad site:

Sourceforge was great in it's day, but hasn't kept up with the competition:

We need a host which supports Bzr

There are other good reasons for switching:
The bug tracker has been a particular source of frustration - it has poor facilities for targetting bugs at specific milestones.
This is related to there being no support for roadmaps (the Wiki is currently used for this, but it's not integrated)

Launchpad is designed to foster a more collaborative development process, which is exactly what we need.
It is designed for a world of Distributed Version Control systems & less central hierarchy.
It supports links to external systems (such as Sourceforge & Trac).

The User-focussed 'Answers' section & FAQ are potentially very useful...although right now they seem better as inspiration for how to structure our Wiki
The 'Translations' section could potentially replace Pootle?

It's main limitation is the lack of an in-built Wiki (the BluePrints/Answers/FAQ can kind-of be used to work around this).

We therefore use Trac more than LaunchPad (using the Bzr plugin).

Launchpad is also used by Web2Py:

The SF mailing lists have also had reliability problems & the web archive is a very poor access method.
LP doesn't provide a replacement here...if we were to change, then we should consider GoogleGroups.

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Last modified 12 years ago Last modified on 11/27/12 13:12:53
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.