Changes between Version 61 and Version 62 of Haiti

01/23/10 07:09:24 (15 years ago)
Fran Boon



  • Haiti

    v61 v62  
    1515For developers that wish to assist Sahana, we have a number of different coding options to help out. You don't need to have all these skills, any of them will be of use. Even if you have none of these, jump into #sahana and we may be able to find some way for you to help out based upon your skillset.
    1616 * Python - all the core coding is undertaken in Python
    17  * web2py - this is the application framework that we use in Python for SahanaPy
    18  * OpenLayers - this is the client javascript library we use for mapping in the browser
    19  * jQuery -
     17 * web2py - this is the application framework that we use in Python for !SahanaPy
     18 * !OpenLayers - this is the client javascript library we use for mapping in the browser
     19 * jQuery - additional view tweaks are done using this powerful yet simple !JavaScript library
    2020 * XSLT/XPath - a lot of import/export functionality is created using XSLT templates written using XPath. For more info see XsltTemplates
    2121See this page for guidelines on setting up an operating SahanaPy instance
    2222 * InstallationGuidelinesDeveloper
    23 Note that for Haiti response you will want the bzr command below to check out the Haiti branch
     23Note that for Haiti response, if you wish to work on RMS you will want the bzr command below to check out the Haiti branch (if working on other aspects then these should normally be merged with Trunk 1st as per the [wiki:ReleaseManagement#ReleaseProcess Release Process].
    2424 * Branch: