Version 67 (modified by 15 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Haiti GIS
bitner, gavin_t, flavour & tcarobruce coordinating in #sahana-gis
dokotreas joined the team
Map-based Lat/Lon Data entry
- Provide a function to allow selecting a location on a map to populate
- Points: Lat/Lon fields
- Polygons: WKT
Fix the map-based gis_location.represent
Currently this is commented out in models/
Want to separate out HTML representation .represent's from Export ones (i.e. all the rest).
- Plan for this in-progress
GPS Conversion Tool
- Accessible from /gis/location/create
- Should support negative degrees!
- Ideally should allow setting of N/S & E/W instead of having to remember the +/-
Admin UI
- Provide admin UI for feature_to_feature_group, feature_class_to_feature_group, etc
- Features are stored in the table gis_location
- Feature Classes are types of Feature & determine their Marker (Icon): gis_feature_class
- Feature Groups are collections of Features & Feature Groups & determine whether they appear as a separate layer on the Map to be enabled/disabled: gis_feature_group
- There are Many-to-Many tables linking these together (defined in
) - There are basic Controller functions for editing these resources, however they aren't fully-exposed to users (need to type URL manually)
- We want nice User interface for these & menus (menus for GIS need some wider cleanup work anyway)
- Allow to reorder layers and select which base layer to start with
- Explanatory text with the Views
- Provide a feed for:
- Need to work on
controllers/ +260
- Provide UI to access feeds:
- KML feeds:
- Provide an easy way to select the Org by name
- GeoRSS feeds:
- GPX feeds:
- KML feeds:
- KML Export
- Include Marker
- From our own site when using Portal
- From when using an offline instance?
- So have a setting flag in
for this (or gis_config table or gis_settings table?)
- So have a setting flag in
- bounds information - e.g. lat/lon min/max to go in the metadata. this improves display of KML when opened in the like of GE and other apps. not required, but does improve display
- Polygon support (currently uses Centroid)
- Include Marker
- GeoRSS Export
- Polygon support (currently uses Centroid)
- GPX Export
- stick some extra info into <desc> - as auto GPS units what support bluetooth phones can recognise phone numbers and allow hands free calling
- bounds information - e.g. lat/lon min/max to go in the metadata. this improves display of GPX when opened in the like of GE and other apps. not required, but does improve display
- Polygon support (currently uses Centroid)
- Import
- Bulk Uploader needs finishing
- GeoRSS
- Separate out the Internal Features from External Features in LayerSwitcher (GeoExt skills)
- Be able to Group layers in layer Tree into Folders
Add numZoomLevels=22 (or some higher number than the default 16 so can zoom in on high res imagery better
Add a custom validator to modules/
(or new modules/
- This should support the ability to select a gis_location as an admin area (i.e. we don't know the exact location, but we know the town or district)
- This should be an AJAX auto-complete.
- Once chosen, then the 'parent' will be set to this location
- It should also support the ability to enter a precise Lat/Lon (or Polygon), in which case a function in the new
would calculate which admin area to set as the Parent automatically.
- It should also populate the 4 hidden (readable=writable=False) bounding box fields used to speed up spatial queries
- Cluster Strategy
- Handle many Vectors (IE can't handle many more than 100)
- WFS Layers
- WMS Capabilities Browser
- Unzip KMZ layers
XYZ Layers- Generated JS seems OK, but layers aren't visible
- XYZ layers verbatim from work when entered as advanced JS layers
- Image layers?
- Added image layers from using advanced JS
Add MGRS Coordinate Display to MapChris Schmidt made MGRS / Lat Lon mouse position control using Jim Klassens USNG Libmap.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.MGRSMousePosition());Example Code
Add Clickable Index (KML, GeoRSS, or Queryable WMS) to get to MGRS Map Sheets begin Produced by Talbot BrooksRequires BluePrintGISProxy
- Bug: Control is being activated when clicking on KML/GeoRSS popups!
- Beyond Haiti: Only activate control if bounds correct (-80 < Lat < 80?)
- A toolbar icon would be nice (Grid?)
- Move from Layers to a new 'Controls' section
Load GIS data
tcarobruce working on this with jonathank & mettadore
- admin_area_for_latlng
- filter by bbox (once implemented)
- then use shapely to do Point-in-Polygon on remaining geometries
- merge wkt parse code into
- simplify polygon if too big for wkt field (or throw exception, to start)
- code in
- code in
- don't display all admin area feature groups (> 700)
enabled = False
Administrative Areas
- Sources
- Unofficial: Departments, Communes, Sections in EPSG:4326
- Official (from GeoInt-Online): Departments, Communes, Sections
- Projection Issue Departments and Communes files are in EPSG:32618
- WMS for display on Map (large Vectors will slow browsers to a crawl):
- Preprocessing Addendum
- Shapefile to WKT (for calculations):
ogr2ogr -f CSV haiti_departments Haiti_departementes_edited_01132010.shp -lco GEOMETRY=AS_WKT
(OGR 1.6+)- to reproject with ogr2ogr, add source and transformation SRSes:
-s_srs EPSG:32618 -t_srs EPSG:4326
- Build a script to do this (very useful for future responses as this is a common process)
- can run the script from a Controller so that you can access Models
- provide UI afterwards
- to reproject with ogr2ogr, add source and transformation SRSes:
- Shapefile to WKT (for calculations):
Other Data To Load
- Populations
- TMS/WMS layers for new imagery:
Longer Term Improvements
- use a spatial db like PostGIS
- bulk loading via web interface
- use location's
to give users (presumably local experts) administrative control over locations in a particular geographic area
See TracWiki
for help on using the wiki.