Version 18 (modified by 15 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
ToDo: Haiti Orgs Branch
- Branch:
- Instance:
- HaitiDataEntryProcess
- Data Entry
- List of Sectors:
- Agriculture
- Shelter and Non-Food Items
- Coordination and Support Services
- Food
- Infrastructure and Rehabilitation
- Security
- Water and Sanitation
- Education
- Health
- Protection and Human Rights and Rule of Law
- Urban Search and Rescue
- List of Sectors:
- IS_ONE_OF() custom validator (in modules/ doesn't currently render a Multi-Select with multiple=True. Reza tackling
- once-fixed then replace the IS_IN_DB() currently used for or_sector
- Streamline Interface
- GPS Conversion Tool accessibility
- jQuery tabs?
- GPS Conversion Tool accessibility
- Provide users with an automatic email once their login has been approved
- controllers/ +213 has a commented space for this
- Provide a working 'Admin' functionality so that Orgs can restrict which auth_user's can edit their Details
- Documentation for Admins: UserGuidelinesAdmin
- Documentation for DataEntry ppl: UserGuidelinesOrganisationRegistry
- GIS (Bitnerd coordinating)
- Offices layer visible in Map Viewing Client (only?)
- views/gis/map_viewing_client.html
- Different Icons/Markers for different Sectors
- Popups for GeoRSS overlays
- views/gis/ol_layers_georss.js
- Popups for KML overlays
- views/gis/ol_layers_kml.js
- KML Import
- KML Export
- Dual 'or' in the URL to be stripped
- Include Marker?
- Provide a Region based on Viewport?
- GeoRSS Import
- GeoRSS Export
- Separate out the Internal Features from External Features in LayerSwitcher
- Load GIS data
- Offices layer visible in Map Viewing Client (only?)
- Admin
- Show in List View for Auth Users whether their account is enabled/disabled/pending
- /orgs/admin/users/1
- Filter the list of users to just those *not* in the role already
- Change Password Reset to take users to a password reset page instead of just emailing a new password?
- More secure
- Upstream in Web2Py
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for help on using the wiki.