Version 7 (modified by 7 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Table of Contents
THERE ARE STILL ISSUES WITH DEPLOYING SAHANA EDEN TO HEROKU - Please help us to get this working & improve these docs!
Heroku ( is a Cloud Application which Sahana Eden can easily be deployed on. The basic deployment is free of cost and does not require a credit card. For making the deployment scalable, and to introduce more add-ons to the deployment, Heroku offers a number of different Pricing options.
The deployment process is very straightforward.:
- Create Heroku Account
- Install Heroku Toolbelt
- Create Git Branch with Web2Py + Sahana Eden
- Create Heroku App
Create Git Branch with Web2Py + Sahana Eden
It's recommended to do this in a separate local directory to avoid interfering with your working Web2Py + Sahana Eden branches.
# Choose the Admin Password read -p "Choose your admin password?" passwd # Get latest web2py git clone web2py cd web2py/applications # Get Sahana Eden TRUNK. git clone eden # OR get your Sahana Eden branch. git clone eden # Copy and edit the config file cp eden/modules/templates/ eden/models/ cat eden/models/ | sed "s/FINISHED_EDITING_CONFIG_FILE = False/FINISHED_EDITING_CONFIG_FILE = True/" > temp mv temp eden/models/
Create Heroku App
# Install virtualenv and postgres DB sudo pip install virtualenv sudo pip install psycopg2 # Activate the virtual environment virtualenv venv --distribute source venv/bin/activate # Generate the requirements for Eden. cp applications/eden/requirements.txt . echo "" >> requirements.txt pip freeze >> requirements.txt # Write the Procfile used by heroku echo "web: python -a '$passwd' -i -p \$PORT" > Procfile # Create a remote for heroku heroku create # Choose the application name read -p "Choose your application name?" appname heroku apps:rename $appname # Remove eden from version control and add it to web2py version control (there should be one version control) cd applications/eden/ rm -rf .git git add -f . cd ../../ git add . git add Procfile git commit -a -m "first commit" # Push Eden to heroku git push heroku master # Add add-ons : Postgres DB heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:dev --app $appname heroku scale web=1 --app $appname # Open the application. heroku open --app $appname
When changes merged and the pushed to Heroku the application is rebuilt with these changes.
Currently updates can only be made directly to the combined branch. We need instructions to set up the git branch so that the you can still update from the Sahana Eden branch, eg:
# THIS DOES NOT CURRENTLY WORK # Pull changes from trunk git pull upstream git:// master # OR Pull changes from your branch git pull git:// master # Push Changes to Heroku App git push heroku master
To Do
- Preserve Sahana Eden git to be able to pull Sahana Eden updates
- Redirect to Sahana Eden - not ( Web2Py
- Access Error Tickets
- Commands / Scripts to clear the database
- Make a Heroku Button