
Version 104 (modified by Fran Boon, 14 years ago) ( diff )



We have a site up to support the Floods Response in Pakistan.


Data Entry Tasks

There is a large ammount of information available from different sources. One of the goals of Sahana is to provide a single portal where data can be compiled and acessed in different formats to assist in the response effort:

  • Web Pages
  • Maps
  • Excel

You can help by going through different sources and entering what information you can into Sahana.


  • Add Lat/Lon to some of the Districts (just those in Wikipedia have so far been added)
  • Add Local Names/URLs to the Provinces/Districts (Wikipedia have these)

Data can be found here:

Tweak the Tweet is also being collected in a spreadsheet now.

(Ushahidi data is being imported automatically)

If you have another source which think that data can be added to please edit the wiki yourself or contact (I can also give you priviledges to edit the wiki)

These can be uploaded as files, but we really want volunteers using a Mechanical Turk process to input the data into the structured fields. We're hoping that the XLS can be imported using our new Spreadsheet Importer, so the focus should initially be on the PDFs.

Guidelines (User guide)

The menu book for end users to use Sahana Eden.

For Modules

Data can be entered in other modules too, especially Assessment - more documentation is coming (contributions in documentation are also valuable)...

For Authorisation

Previous version of User guide UserGuidelines

A new SitRep module has been built to manage:

  • Flood Reports
  • Assessments from WFP
  • School Reports

Locations Hierarchy

  • L0: Country (Pakistan)
  • L1: Province (Khyber-Pakhtunwa/Sindh)
  • L2: District
  • L3: Union Council
  • L4: Village

Feature Requests


  • Fix Clustering: #498
  • Popup to add Location by placing cursor on Map: #487
  • Import Locations
  • Lock down L1-L3 Locations
  • De-duplication of existing locations: #482
  • Customised Popups for Incidents, Assessments & Requests
    • Hide fields which aren't so necessary to make the critical ones stand out
  • Fresh water source PoIs
    • Water FeatureClass is there in the Programme FeatureGroup, so can be added already although a nicer UI would be great
    • Could also have a custom map query which displays a Water layer for all Shelters which provide Water Services
  • Setup GeoServer & import GeoData into that for more advanced GIS: #497


  • Add some basic help text
  • Add Item Units
  • Allow Searching for items by category
  • Change the style of the rheader tabs - grey makes me think "disabled"
  • Change the header on the page to the name of the inventory / item
  • can we change it so that it doesn't default to the edit details, but instead to the first tab?
  • can we hide the field which the component is joined on?
  • The action buttons seem a bit redundant - would just a single "open" going to the record with the rheader be enough? "edit" isn't quite descriptive

Shelter Registry

  • These could be medical camps, cooked food outlet, clean water outlet etc. Now these places do not have dwellings/housings, so not sure if these could be called shelters. But we do need to create such facilities and assign them a location.
  • should be able to define 'Type of Shelter/Camp'. Possible value list should also be modifiable, with entries such as Medical, Food, Water, Sanitation, Reconstruction etc.
  • There could be multiple facilities in a shelter/relief camp. And that could make things a bit cluttered if we make different markers/feature classes for them. So let's not do it that way. Instead, the facilities in a shelter can either be chosen from a multi-select list box, or just provide them in the comments/facilities box (as plain text).
    • And on the map, where it shows the shelter, it should show the comments as well, so that one could easily find the requisite facilities. These facilities should be searchable though.
  • Move School Reports to CR (they are Shelters) (-> PTressel)
  • Link CR to RMS
    • Someone could post a request for supplies/aid items at a certain camp/shelter. Therefore, optionally, one should see a combo box of Shelters/Relief Camps, and choose from there.
      • We can also use auto complete in the Shelter/Relief Camp text box, as the number of shelters would be large; or we can use Ajax to populate the combo box of shelters that are registered at a location, after the user chooses the location.
  • Provide Estimations of Requirements
  • When adding a Union Council from a School Report, would be nice to have the Parent pre-populated too


Incident Reporting

  • Hide the Confirmed Reports from users without the AdvancedUser role
  • .represent for irs_iimage.image as a thumbnail (like for gis_marker)


  • Summary info (similar to the SUMMARY-FAP.pdf & WFP .ppt)
  • jqplot?
  • Map
    • KML XSLT (=>Dominic)


  • Would be good to write a custom PDF writer for this format of report so we can consider getting people to enter data into DB directly.
    • split column headers
    • (dominic) A nice printable HTML works as good as custom PDF, but can be achieved sooner
  • PDF Importer?
  • Test the XForms controller with component resource to have OCRable forms to collect this info

Rotary Club

Rotary Club are training 750-1000 volunteers to collect data.

  1. We should be able to register volunteers, and assign them to geographic regions. This would help us query and know the number of people working in each geographic area.
  2. Volunteers belonging to a group (like geographic area) could then be sent messages via SMS service. So an interface to let us do that that would be great.
  3. When our volunteers go out, they would enter data about the status of inventory at their locations, and items required urgently. They would also be able to update the status of a shelter, in that they may setup a place as a shelter and provides its Lon/Lat, or they may remove a place as shelter for it may have been inundated too.
  4. We want to record damages to people/life, and property. Currently, we can record life losses in Incident Reporting, while property losses can be registered in Situation Reports & Assessments.
  5. We can also record loss to farm animal and cattle. There could be (a) field(s) to do that. Instead of going for a table of animal and then entering the number of lost animals, we could give an open text field.
  6. We want to see the Situations, Assessments, Schools and Flood Reports to be visible on the map as well. Can that be done?
  7. We would love to see an option where we could define a warehouse/shelter/school, where we could mention the inventory available there, and their count. This feature is available in Agasti. If provided, our volunteers would be able to trace themselves the items they need and where they are placed.
  8. Missing Persons:
  • When adding a new missing person, we would need to provide his hometown (from where he was lost) and the location of his residence. Like someone could be missing from a camp/shelter in Peshawar, while his residence would be in Swat.
  • When reporting a missing person, we should be able to provide his photo too. This should be optional.
  • An option should be there, like a status/flag, to tell if the person has been found. Additional information like “where from” would be an added plus, but not essential.
  1. When entering a shelter or inventory, we would like to identify the city/location where it is located. This is the first anchor of reference. Also, we should be allowed to (optionally) provide coordinates, or point the location on the map. That way, it should be visible on the map when someone takes a view of the map with shelter, inventory and incident overviews. This would be very helpful.
  2. Since I can see the situation and incidents are different in the system, “Situation” should also be available in the map overlays.


Want to be able to collect data on offline laptops & sync to base

  • This means that the schema for this module is pretty fixed as we can't update remote laptops
    • Extra data can be incoporated into comments fields for transferring to new optional fields centrally by-hand
    • Can still develop UI tweaks to ease data entry (just won't be visible to remote laptops): Labels/Help
    • Can still develop Reporting functionality
    • Can still develop other modules
  • Power may be an issue, so best to have printed copies of the Assessment Tool as well
  • Sync process should be tested thoroughly (even if kept to a very simple Data upload facility)


  • Outbound to alert teams (working with a local telco to get details)
  • SMS inbound for them to report incidents (separate to the general public whose reports we can pull from Ushahidi so can use the general shortcode)


Related sites

After Action Notes

  • Need some introductory videos on Eden basics such as menu navigation etc to point new users to
  • Move to deployment_settings control:
    • Locations Hierarchy
    • Languages (For Local Location Names & Language Bar)
    • Enable ACLs (e.g. DVI, AdvancedJS, MapAdmin)
  • See if we can convert Mapping API to use a JS file in static which is merged with a bunch of JS vars written out in views
    • makes it faster to develop since no need to keep restarting server for module changes
    • makes it easier for OL devs to help out without needing to understand Python
    • May be hard due to so many different options available to us!
      • Break it up into snippets again...


Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.