
Version 5 (modified by Dominic König, 13 years ago) ( diff )


S3XRC | Model Extensions | Component Resources

Component Resources

Components can be bound to their master records via link-tables. In such cases, the foreign key constraints for the component link are all in a separate link-table, whereas both the master table and the component table are completely independent:

  master (primary key) <==== (foreign key) link table (foreign key) ====> (primary key) component

Link-table component links have some advantages over simple foreign key constraints:

  • they can carry attributes of their own (qualified link)
  • they provide the option to bind the same component record to multiple master records (many-to-many)
  • there are several different ways to actuate such links

However, they do have disadvantages too:

  • overhead to maintain a separate database table (processing time, migration issues etc.)
  • increased complexity to access and query resources (3 tables instead of 2)
  • increased complexity to handle such links in CRUD and XML/XSLT

Link Actuation Methods

With link-table component links, you have several different methods available to "actuate" the link. That is, RESTful methods can operate either on the link table, on the component table or both - depending on the request method and the link configuration. The basic "actuation" methods are:

  • replace: hides the link table and always operates on the component table
  • hide: hides the component table and always operates on the link table
  • link: operates on the component table for single-record requests, and on the link table for summary requests (=without record ID) and delete
  • embed: operates on the link table, embeds the component record in single-record requests

The following table gives an overview over link actuation in S3CRUD:

Link Actuation Methodreplacehidelinkembed
CRUD Method
create create-form for component create-form for link create-form for link create-form for link with component embedded
read read view of component read view of link read-view of component read-view of link (with component embedded2)
update update-form for component update-form for link update-form for component update-form for link with component embedded
delete deletes both, component and link deletes the link deletes the link1 deletes the link1
list list view of component list view of link list view of link list view of link (with component embedded2)
  • 1 = deletes the component together with the last link if autodelete option is set
  • 2 = not implemented yet

Other RESTful methods such as S3Search or S3Cube may have their own definitions.


The basic syntax of a link-table component link declaration is:

s3mgr.model.add_component("my_component",               # Tablename of the component
                          my_master=dict(               # Tablename of the master table
                              link="my_linktable",      # Tablename of the link table
                              joinby="fieldname",       # FK of the master table (=left key constraint)
                              key="fieldname",          # FK of the component table (=right key constraint)
                              actuate="replace",        # Actuation method (see above, optional, defaults to "link")
                              autodelete=False          # Delete the component record together with the last link (optional, default is False)
                              widget=Widget,            # Widget to use for embedding (optional, defaults to S3EmbedComponentWidget)
                              autocomplete="fieldname", # Field in the component to use for autocomplete when embedding the component

If no field is defined for autocomplete, then no autocomplete-widget will be used, but a standard SELECT of options for key (default behavior).

Important: if you specify a widget for embedding (e.g. S3AddPersonWidget), then you must not use this widget or a widget validator for the right key constraint!


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