
Version 10 (modified by Dominic König, 14 years ago) ( diff )


S3XRC | S3 RESTful API | URL Format

S3 RESTful API - URL Format

Basic URL Syntax

  • Parts in { } mark optional parts, [ A | B ] indicates alternatives

The basic URL format is:

http:// server / path / prefix / name{ /<arguments> }{ ?<query> }

  • server ( is the server, path (/eden) the path to the application
  • prefix (/hms) is the application prefix (="module" name) of the resource
  • name (/hospital) is the resource name (without prefix)

The arguments list consists of:

{ /id }{ / [ method | component { /component_id } { /method } ] }

  • id (/1) is a record ID in the main resource
  • component (/bed_capacity) is a component resource name (without prefix)
  • component_id is a record ID in the component resource
  • method (/create) is a URL method

For the query syntax, see below

Basic Query Format

The basic query format is: resource.field{operator}=value

  • resource is the name of the resource or component (without prefix) or the name of the context
  • field is the name of the field to be tested
  • operator is the operator
  • value is the value or a comma-separated list of values to test against (a comma will be treated as OR)

Supported operators:

__eqequal, =can be omitted
__nenot equal, =||
__ltless than, <numeric and date types only
__leless than or equal, <numeric and date types only
__gtgreater than, >numeric and date types only
__gegreater than or equal, >numeric and date types only
__likelike, LIKE(%value%)string/text types only
__unlikenot like, NOT LIKE(%value%)string/text types only
__incontainment, contains(value)list types only
__exnegative containment, not contains(value)list types only

Field Queries

  • Testing a field in the main resource

Component Field Queries

  • Testing a field in a component resource

Context Queries

  • Testing a field in a referenced resource
  • Context must be specified like{component.}field
    • name is a name for the context (as reference for subsequent queries)
    • component is the name of the component resource (without prefix)
    • field is the field name of the foreign key field

URL Examples

Interactive (HTML) Format

Non-interactive Formats

URL Method

Record ID

Record UID

URL Queries


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