Version 15 (modified by 14 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
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S3XRC | S3 RESTful API | URL Format
S3 RESTful API - URL Format
- see also: Standard Methods
Basic URL Syntax
- Parts in { } mark optional parts, [ A | B ] indicates alternatives
The basic URL format is:
http:// server / path / prefix / name{ /<arguments> }{ ?<query> }
- server (
) is the server, path (/eden
) the path to the application
- prefix (
) is the application prefix (="module" name) of the resource - name (
) is the resource name (without prefix)
The arguments list consists of:
{ /id }{ / [ method | component { /component_id } { /method } ] }
- id (
) is a record ID in the main resource - component (
) is a component resource name (without prefix) - component_id is a record ID in the component resource
- method (
) is a URL method
For the query syntax, see below
Basic Query Format
The basic query format is: resource.field{operator}=value
- resource is the name of the resource or component (without prefix) or the name of the context
- field is the name of the field to be tested
- operator is the operator
- value is the value or a comma-separated list of values to test against (a comma will be treated as OR)
Supported operators:
Operator Method Comments __eq equal, = can be omitted __ne not equal, =|| __lt less than, < numeric and date types only __le less than or equal, < numeric and date types only __gt greater than, > numeric and date types only __ge greater than or equal, > numeric and date types only __like like, LIKE(%value%) string/text types only __unlike not like, NOT LIKE(%value%) string/text types only __in containment, contains(value) list types only __ex negative containment, not contains(value) list types only
Field Queries
- Testing a field in the main resource
Component Field Queries
- Testing a field in a component resource
Context Queries
- Testing a field in a referenced resource
- Context must be specified like{component.}field
- name is a name for the context (as reference for subsequent queries)
- component is the name of the component resource (without prefix)
- field is the field name of the foreign key field
Boundary Box Queries
For resources with location references (e.g. Hospitals), you can use boundary box queries select records. The general format of the query variable is:
- ?bbox=minLon,minLat,maxLon,maxLat
You can also specify the foreign key field name of the location reference the query relates to (e.g. in case there are multiple location references in that resource):
- ?bbox.FKFieldName=minLon,minLat,maxLon,maxLat
URL Examples
Interactive (HTML) Format
Non-interactive Formats
URL Method (GET)
Record by ID
Record by UID
URL Queries