
Version 15 (modified by Dominic König, 12 years ago) ( diff )



S3Report is a REST method handler for data analysis.


S3Cube can generate contingency tables (a.k.a. pivot tables) from S3Resources.


S3Cube uses pyvttbl to generate contingency tables. A modified version of pyvttbl is integrated into the S3 framework.

Pyvttbl requires the following Python modules:

  • numpy
  • matplotlib

URL Methods

S3Cube responds to the report URL method, for all resources (generic method).

The following parameters are accepted:

rowsthe name of the field to be used for the table rowsyes
colsthe name of the field to be used for the table columnsno (if no cols are specified, all instance values appear in 1 column)
factthe name of the field to be used for the instance valuesno (falls back to "name" if present, otherwise to "id")
aggregatethe aggregation functionno (default: list)

rows, cols and fact support the same options as list_fields:

  • fields in the table
  • virtual fields in the table
  • fields/virtual fields in tables linked by foreign keys ($-notation)

S3Cube supports a number of aggregation functions. The following functions have been tested so far:

lista comma-separated list of all instance values
countthe number of instance values
sumthe sum of all instance values
avgthe average (mean) of all instance values


$-notation for references:

reduced parameter list:

Report Options

Table configurations can contain a report_options item, which is a Storage object. This object is used to configure reports and report options form.

The rows, cols, facts and aggregate items are lists of available values for the user to select from.

The defaults item is a Storage object that contains the default values for the report. It can contain a value for rows, cols, fact, aggregate and totals (as described in URL Methods).

Here is an example of a report_options item:

report_options = Storage(
        rows = report_fields,
        cols = report_fields,
        facts = report_fields,
        defaults = Storage(
                rows = "project_id",
                cols = "name",
                fact = "time_actual",
                aggregate = "sum",
                totals = True

All items in report_options and defaults are optional.

Further Development

The following enhancements are currently under development:

  • Support for JSON, CSV and XLS exports
  • Support for client-side graphs representation (via JSON)
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