
Version 1 (modified by Dominic König, 15 years ago) ( diff )


Table of Contents

  1. XML Format
  2. JSON Format


XML Format


  <resource                                                 <-- a record in the database -->
      created_on="2009-10-02 08:55:11"                      <-- date/time when the record was created -->
      modified_on="2009-10-02 08:56:03"                     <-- date/time when the record was last modified -->
      uuid="6e6e76dc-8ed7-408c-bb09-54476e3944ae"           <-- UUID of the record (if present in DB) -->
      created_by="None"                                     <-- Author -->
      modified_by="Dominic"                                 <-- Last Author -->
      name="pr_person">                                     <-- Resource Name -->

    <reference                                              <-- Reference Field (foreign key) in the record -->
      field="pr_pe_id"                                      <-- Field name -->
      resource="pr_pentity"                                 <-- Name of the referenced resource -->
      uuid="6e6e76dc-8ed7-408c-bb09-54476e3944ae"/>         <-- UUID of the referenced entry -->

    <data field="pr_pe_label">730421</data>                 <-- A field in the record -->
    <data field="first_name">Dominic</data>
    <data field="middle_name"/>
    <data field="last_name">König</data>
    <data field="preferred_name"/>
    <data field="local_name"/>
    <data field="opt_pr_gender" value="3">male</data>
    <data field="opt_pr_age_group" value="5">Adult (21-50)</data>
    <data field="email"></data>
    <data field="mobile_phone"/>
    <data field="date_of_birth">1973-04-21</data>
    <data field="opt_pr_nationality" value="65">Germany</data>
    <data field="opt_pr_country" value="167">Sweden</data>
    <data field="opt_pr_religion" value="1">none</data>
    <data field="opt_pr_marital_status" value="3">married</data>
    <data field="occupation">Nurse</data>
    <data field="comment"/>

    <resource                                               <-- A sub-resource (joined resource) of the record -->
      created_on="2009-10-02 11:34:34"
      modified_on="2009-10-02 11:34:34"

        field="opt_pr_address_type"                         <-- field name -->
        value="1">                                          <-- original value in the database -->
          Home Address                                      <-- value represented for human readability -->
      <data field="co_name"/>
      <data field="street1">Lundgatan</data>
      <data field="street2"/>
      <data field="postcode">38031</data>
      <data field="city">Läckeby</data>
      <data field="state"/>
      <data field="opt_pr_country" value="167">Sweden</data>
      <data field="lat">56.78042</data>
      <data field="lon">16.27914</data>
      <data field="comment"/>
  • UUID - how we handle Unique IDs for records across heterogeneous systems

JSON Format

The data structure of the JSON format is equivalent to the XML format (=element trees) - except that markup elements are represented by prefixes:

    "@domain": "yana",                                             // Server name
    "@url": ""                           // Server URL
    "$_pr_person": {                                               // Resource, prefix: $_
        "@uuid": "44fc762e-02df-44e0-8bd1-9b58e3132894",           // Resource attribute, prefix: @
        "@url": "",
        "@created_on": "2009-11-16 22:33:35",
        "@created_by": "None",
        "@modified_on": "2009-11-19 21:32:19",
        "@modified_by": "Dominic",
        "first_name": "Dominic",                                   // Data field, no prefix
        "last_name": "K\u00f6nig",
        "email": "",
        "opt_pr_age_group": {"@value": "1", "$": "unknown"},       // Data field with textual representation:
        "opt_pr_religion": {"@value": "1", "$": "none"},           // @value=Value, $=TextualRepresentation
        "opt_pr_gender": {"@value": "1", "$": "unknown"},
        "opt_pr_nationality": {"@value": "999", "$": "unknown"},
        "opt_pr_country": {"@value": "999", "$": "unknown"},
        "opt_pr_marital_status": {"@value": "1", "$": "unknown"},
        "$k_pr_pe_id": {                                           // External Reference (Key), prefix: $k_
            "@resource": "pr_pentity",                             // Key resource name
            "@uuid": "a2a945bd-4f43-41da-bcdb-e2e638a987ea",       // UUID of the key record
            "$": "Dominic K\u00f6nig [no label] (Person)"          // Textual representation of the reference
        "$_pr_presence": {                                         // Joined Resource (Component):
            "@uuid": "14af2751-7277-4e90-b42b-0d0430684561",       // appears as component within the resource
            "@created_on": "2009-11-19 19:42:46",
            "@modified_on": "2009-11-19 19:42:46"
            "@url": "",
            "opt_pr_presence_condition": {"@value": "4", "$": "Found"},
            "time": {"@value": "2009-11-19 18:42:00 +0000", "$": "2009-11-19 20:42:00"},
            "$k_reporter": {
                "@resource": "pr_person",
                "@uuid": "44fc762e-02df-44e0-8bd1-9b58e3132894",
                "$": "Dominic K\u00f6nig"

JSON format characteristics:

  • The JSON output contains _no_ whitespace between elements, it's just added here by hand for better readability
  • The outermost structure is always a JSON object (not a list)
  • All data is represented as strings (for security reasons)
  • If @value is sent for a field, it overrides the element text ($) at import
  • however, the use of @value is not mandatory, data can simply be placed instead of element text
  • Note that there is no automatic data encoding: data must be sent in DB-encoded format
  • @resource, @name and @uuid attributes are mandatory at input, other attributes can be omitted
  • Multiple records of the same resource will be aggregated as lists like:
    $_my_resource: [
            // record1 of my_resource
            // record2 of my_resource

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