Version 117 (modified by 14 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Table of Contents
User Guidelines for GIS Data
Assumes installation of the relevant tools: InstallationGuidelinesGISData
Import Data
There is a function available in modules/s3/
to import from CSV.
The CSV needs to have specific columns:
- WKT column if we have polygon info (or points for L4)
- For L1, we need these columns: ADM0_NAME, ADM1_NAME (& WKT)
- For L2, we need these columns: ADM1_NAME, ADM2_NAME (& WKT) [ADM0_NAME can also be used to help separate duplicates]
- For L3, we need these columns: ADM2_NAME, ADM3_NAME (& WKT) [ADM1_NAME can also be used to help separate duplicates]
- Ensure that names are consistent between Levels
- The PROPER() spreadsheet function is useful to get the names in the correct format (then Paste as Text).
- The VLOOKUP() spreadsheet function is useful if the different levels of the hierarchy are in different sheets & linked via a code instead of the name (as we need)
Basic Hierarchy can often be found from Wikipedia (although currently there's no easy way to download this - a student project to enhance Wikipedia for this would be much appreciated!).
For the Polygon data, it is normal to get this from Shapefiles (see below).
Example for Pakistan:
tablename = "gis_location" table = db[tablename] db.executesql("DROP INDEX name__idx on %s;" % tablename) # L0 db( != "Pakistan").delete() db.commit() import csv csv.field_size_limit(2**20 * 10) # 10 megs db.import_from_csv_file(open("L0.csv", "rb")) db.commit() # L1 gis.import_csv("pak_adm1.csv", check_duplicates=False) db.commit() # L2 db( == "Baluchistan").update(name="Balochistan") db( == "Northern Areas").update(name="Gilgit Baltistan") db( == "N.W.F.P.").update(name="Khyber Pakhtunkhwa") db( == "F.A.T.A.").update(name="FATA") db( == "F.C.T.").update(name="Islamabad") db( == "Azad Kashmir").update(name="AJK") gis.import_csv("pak_adm2.csv", check_duplicates=False) db( == "Sind").update(name="Sindh") db( == "AJK").update(name="Pakistan Administered Kashmir") db( == "FATA").update(name="Federally Administered Tribal Areas") db(( == "Islamabad") & (table.level == "L1")).update(name="Federal Capital Territory") db.commit() # L3 db( == "Jaccobabad").update(name="Jacobabad") db( == "Tando Allahyar").update(name="Tando Allah Yar") db( == "Qambar Shahdad kot").update(name="Qambar Shahdadkot") gis.import_csv("pak_adm3.csv", check_duplicates=False) db( == "Islamabad").update(name="Islamabad Capital Territory") db( == "Tando Allah Yar").update(name="Tando Allahyar") db( == "Qambar Shahdadkot").update(name="Qambar Shahdad Kot") db( == "Leiah").update(name="Layyah") db( == "Leiah Tehsil").update(name="Layyah Tehsil") db( == "Kalur Kot Tehsil").update(name="Kallur Kot Tehsil") db( == "De-excluded Area").update(name="Tribal Area") db( == "De-excluded Area D.g Khan").update(name="Tribal Area") db.commit() # L4 db( == "Noorpur Tehsil").update(name="Noorpur Thal Tehsil") jhang = db(( == "Jhang") & (table.level==L2)).select(, limitby=(0, 1)).first().id table.insert(name="Ahmadpur Sial", parent=jhang, level="L3", url="") gis.import_csv("punjab_l4.csv", check_duplicates=False) db.commit() db( == "Mirwah Taluka").update(name="Thari Mirwah Taluka") db( == "Shah Bunder Taluka").update(name="Shah Bandar Taluka") badin = db(( == "Badin") & (table.level==L2)).select(, limitby=(0, 1)).first().id table.insert(name="Talhar", parent=badin, level="L3", url="") jamshoro = db(( == "Jamshoro") & (table.level==L2)).select(, limitby=(0, 1)).first().id table.insert(name="Manjhand Taluka", parent=jamshoro, level="L3", url="") gis.import_csv("sindh_l4.csv", check_duplicates=False) db.commit() db( == "F.r Kala Dhaka").update(name="F.R. Kala Dhaka") db( == "Martoong Tehsil").update(name="Martung Tehsil") db( == "Takhat Nasrati Tehsil").update(name="Takht-e-Nasrati Tehsil") dikhan = db(( == "D. I. Khan") & (table.level == "L2")).select(, limitby=(0, 1)).first().id table.insert(name="Daraban Tehsil", parent=dikhan, level="L3") table.insert(name="Paroa Tehsil", parent=dikhan, level="L3") lowerdir = db(( == "Lower Dir") & (table.level == "L2")).select(, limitby=(0, 1)).first().id table.insert(name="Adenzai", parent=lowerdir, level="L3") table.insert(name="Balambat", parent=lowerdir, level="L3") table.insert(name="Khal", parent=lowerdir, level="L3") table.insert(name="Lal Qila", parent=lowerdir, level="L3") table.insert(name="Munda", parent=lowerdir, level="L3") table.insert(name="Samar Bagh", parent=lowerdir, level="L3") table.insert(name="Tazagram", parent=lowerdir, level="L3") table.insert(name="Timargara", parent=lowerdir, level="L3") upperdir = db(( == "Upper Dir") & (table.level == "L2")).select(, limitby=(0, 1)).first().id table.insert(name="Barawal Tehsil", parent=upperdir, level="L3") table.insert(name="Chapar Tehsil", parent=upperdir, level="L3") table.insert(name="Dir Tehsil", parent=upperdir, level="L3") table.insert(name="Khal Tehsil", parent=upperdir, level="L3") table.insert(name="Kalkot Tehsil", parent=upperdir, level="L3") table.insert(name="Wari Tehsil", parent=upperdir, level="L3") gis.import_csv("khyber_l4.csv", check_duplicates=False) db.commit() # L5 gis.import_csv("punjab_l5.csv", check_duplicates=False) gis.import_csv("sindh_l5.csv", check_duplicates=False) gis.import_csv("khyber_l5.csv", check_duplicates=False) db.commit() field = "name" db.executesql("CREATE INDEX %s__idx on %s(%s);" % (field, tablename, field))
Inspect the data using qGIS.
Use ogr2ogr to convert the data to CSV:
ogr2ogr -f CSV CSV TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp -lco GEOMETRY=AS_WKT ogr2ogr -f geojson TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.json TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp
If needing to reproject (e.g. for the Haiti Departements):
ogr2ogr -f CSV haiti_departments Haiti_departementes_edited_01132010.shp -s_srs EPSG:32618 -t_srs EPSG:4326 -lco GEOMETRY=AS_WKT
NB AS_WKT requires OGR v1.6+
- California:
There is an import_geonames() function in S3GIS which downloads/unzips the country file (a TAB-separated list) from
It should be run for the different levels of hierarchy that you wish to import (generally just the lowest level as Geonames just has Point data, so it's best to use other sources for the Polygons 1st, that way the Geonames importer can locate these Points within the correct Polygons of the hierarchy)
NB It takes some time to do this import! Pakistan imports 95000 locations!
Update: Geonames schema 2.2 supports parentADM(1-4):
- will be good for when we only have hierarchy, not polygons
- need to check whether much data has this populated though.
Python 2.5 doesn't support Zipfile.extract() & isn't unicode-safe. Until this is fixed, download the file manually 1st:
cd ~web2py/applications/eden/cache wget unzip
In Web2py CLI:
gis.import_geonames('PK', 'L5') db.commit()
Alternate approach:
- Transform each line in this file into XML by regular expression:
^(\d*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([0-9\.]*)\t([0-9\.]*)\t[^\t]*\t([A-Z]*).* into: <location> <id>$1</id> <name>$2</name> <asciiName>$3</asciiName> <localNames>$4</localNames> <lat>$5</lat> <lon>$6</lon> <featureClass>$7</featureClass> </location>
This can be done using an RE-capable editor (e.g. Kate), Perl or even Python. Note: Need to replace & with & and to remove any invalid characters
- Transform into S3XRC-XML using XSLT, stylesheet is available at
See below: UserGuidelinesGISData
It is possible to use the WFS Plugin to get data into qGIS & thence export into other formats.
May need to use a Custom CRS (in Settings menu - remember to Save!) such as:
- ESRI's Spherical Mercator (different to 900913)
Can then go to the Layer Properties & Specify CRS to this User Defined Coordinate System.
Can then Save As and change the CRS to something like the standard WGS84.
- Script to process
Display Data
GeoServer can provide geospatial data in Raster (WMS) or Vector (WFS/KML) formats.
Once you have installed (Linux, Windows), then login:
- l: admin
- p: geoserver
- Admin Password
- Contact Details
- Disable Global Settings (2.1+ only)
- WFS Details
- WMS Details inc the Limited SRS List - probably to just:
4326, 900913
- Disable the demo Layers & Layer Groups
- Add Workspace
- Add PostGIS Store
Import Shapefiles
e.g. Country Outlines:
These can be loaded direct into GeoServer, however there will be better performance by importing into PostGIS:
(can also use pgAdmin III GUI's Shapefile loader on plugins menu)
su postgres shp2pgsql -s 4326 -I TM_WORLD_BORDERS-0.3.shp public.countries | psql -d gis
To reproject the data into 900913 for a slight performance advantage:
drop constraint srid; update table set geomcolumn=transform(geomcolumn,900913);
Configure GeoServer
Add WMS Layer to Sahana Eden
- tbc
tbc: BluePrintGISGrid
Topographic Maps
- Alternate approach: SRTM 2 OSM
Old Printed Maps
Old Printed Maps can be 'Rectified' to be overlaid on the base maps:
Base Map
We have out-of-the-box the ability to use OpenStreetMap Tiles as base layer.
This can include local OSM sites (OSM Taiwan is included as an example)
Vector Overlays
Can have OSM Vectors displayed over the top of other Base Layers (e.g. Satellite Images)
We have an XSLT stylesheet to import .osm files
e.g for hospitals and clinics:
osmosis --read-xml country.osm --tf accept-nodes amenity=hospital,clinic --tf reject-ways --tf reject-relations --write-xml nodes.osm osmosis --read-xml country.osm --tf reject-relations --tf accept-ways amenity=hospital,clinic --used-node --write-xml ways.osm osmosis --rx nodes.osm --rx ways.osm --merge --wx country_hospitals.osm
This needs more work to understand the admin hierarchy properly to be able to import Places.
- is_in tag
Geofabrik have updated extracts daily for Pakistan:
Otherwise pull a BBOX directly using Osmosis:
Osmosis requires Java, ParsePBF can do the same thing in Python, which would be more suitable for integration within Sahana:
Ruby script to generate KML of recently-added locations by a group of users:
Basemap for Garmin GPS
PostgreSQL management
PostGIS functions
- Centroids
SELECT name, iso2, asText(ST_Transform(ST_Centroid(the_geom), 4326)) AS centroid FROM countries;
Data Sources
- VMap0:
- Admin 0 & 1, Hydro features, Raster & Vector:
- Admin 1-4:
- BlueMarble & Mosaic (!LandSat7):
- Hazard Layers:
- Hazard Layers:
- Massachusetts:
Attachments (12)
(2.5 KB
) - added by 14 years ago.
Official SRTM styling
(2.1 KB
) - added by 14 years ago.
Common Topography styling
(48.9 KB
) - added by 14 years ago.
Script to download SRTMv4 GeoTIFFs
(1.0 KB
) - added by 14 years ago.
Encode GADM as UTF8
(9.5 KB
) - added by 14 years ago.
Configuration for GADM
(7.5 KB
) - added by 14 years ago.
SLD for GADM L0 Base Layer
(12.5 KB
) - added by 14 years ago.
SLD for GADM L0 Overlay
(12.0 KB
) - added by 14 years ago.
SLD for GADM L1 Overlay
(12.4 KB
) - added by 14 years ago.
SLD for GADM L2 Overlay
(1.4 KB
) - added by 13 years ago.
(1.0 KB
) - added by 11 years ago.
Move WKT column to end of CSV
- (1.9 KB ) - added by 11 years ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip