
Version 60 (modified by Fran Boon, 12 years ago) ( diff )


Location & GIS User Guidelines

The GIS Mapping homepage is at

This provides an embedded map with links to view a fullscreen map, add/edit Locations &, for users with the MapAdmin role, add/edit the layers on the map (Service Catalogue).

Map Settings

Default settings for all users can be set from the Map Service Catalogue:

If a user wishes their own settings, then they can be set via their Personal Data (on the user's menu) & then select the Map Settings tab.


There is inbuilt support for only 2 Projections: 4326 (WGS84 Lat/Lon) & 900913 ('Google' Spherical Mercator).

Support for more can be added via

These use Proj4js definitions in /static/scripts/gis/proj4js/lib/defs

If a definition doesn't yet exist for your Projection then you can download one from

  • Download the proj4js format & save as EPSGXXXX.js



  • Download these automatically (they have an easy to access URL)

Locations (Features)

  • A Location (or 'Feature' in GIS terminology) represents a physical location.
  • It can be a point (Lat/Lon), Line or Area/Polygon (WKT)
  • This can be referenced from other records such as:
    • Sites
    • /pr/person/presence (the current location of a person)

Location Types

Administrative Locations

  • Example:
    • Countries
    • Provinces
    • Districts
    • Cities
    • Towns
    • Villages


  • Example:
    • Offices
    • Warehouses
    • Shelters
    • Hospitals
  • Sites can have:
    • Staff assigned to them
    • Inventory Functionality
  • The Location name should be the name of the Building
    • Multiple sites can share a single location, eg. A single building (location) could house multiple offices for different organisations.
  • Where a Site has multiple Buildings, then these can be represented via a Location Group

Miscellaneous Locations

  • Example:
    • The location of wells
    • The location of food distributions (middle of a field, corner of 2 streets)
    • The location of a damaged bridge
    • The location of a stranded person

Create a new Location:

  1. Type in the Specific Name of the Location in the "Name" Field.
  2. Select the Type of Feature that your Location is from the "Feature Class" drop-down menu (the feature class determines the Marker).
  3. Select a Parent Location based on your Specific Location.
  4. Select a Marker for the Map based on your Location. - NOTE: SELECTION OF A MARKER WILL OVER-RIDE THE FEATURE CLASS MARKER ON THE MAP
  5. Select a Feature Type (Point, Line, or Polygon.)
  6. Enter in either the Well-Known Text for Line and Polygon or Latitude and Longitude for Point (Lat. and Long. will be in decimal degrees.)
    • NB Latitude is North/South, Longitude is East/West.
  7. Select "Save"

Conversion Tool Help

  1. Select the conversion tool
  2. Select either the "in GPS Format" tab or the "in Deg Min Sec Format" tab and enter in information.
    • GPS Format is 18° 32.5' (That would be entered "18" deg "32.5" min)
    • Deg Min Sec Format is 18° 32' 10" (That would be entered DD "18" MM "32" SS "10")
  3. Select "Calculate"
  4. Last, Select "Fill in xxx" (Choose either Lat. or Long.)
    • NB Latitude is North/South, Longitude is East/West.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 again

AutoLocation Help

Some resources support detecting the location of the user automatically using HTML5's GeoLocation feature (only available in newer browsers, such as Firefox 3.5 & Chrome).

If it doesn't get a good result (e.g. displays where you used to live or work rather then your current location) then you can improve the accuracy by updating the databases of WiFi signals mapped to locations. If you move and take your wireless router with you, these services may not have the up-to-date information and will still associate your WiFi signal with your old address. If you are experiencing this problem and need to update your location, please update both the Google & Skyhook Wireless databases.

To edit a Location:

  1. Find the Location your wanting to edit (Either by searching or sorting by the attribute.)
  2. Click on the feature number.
  3. Edit in the box above.
  4. Select "Save"


  • A Marker is the image used to represent a location on the map.

Feature Layers

  • Feature Layers are used to provide Layers on the Map & Feeds for export/view by other systems
  • They are formed from a database query

Symbology sets

  • Symbology sets can be used to provide a set of Icons for Features based on deployment requirements, e.g. US FEMA



Embedding Map into other Sites

The main map can be easily & flexibly embedded into other websites, assuming that the map doesn't require a login, e.g.:

Layers are called by their layer_id s & separated by . (, break OpenLayers' ArgParser)

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.