
Version 1 (modified by Nguyen Vinh, 14 years ago) ( diff )



This to store the informations after a disaster, such as: Demographic, Health, Water,... These informations can be used for damaged and assistanced assessment.

Type of Report

Rapid Assessments report detail information. Assessments: report summary information.

Type of Information

In a assessment, there are many type of information. Include:

Demographic: Population, Household,... Shelter & Essential NFIs: Shelter, Water storage, NFI Assistance,... WatSan: Water supply, Environment, Latrine,... Health: Health status, Health problem,... Nutrition: Food stock and Food assistance. Livelihood: Income, Expense,... Education: Education service, School activities, School assistance,... Protection:

Create a assessment

For Assessments

From the front page, select "Assessments". Choose "Assessments". At List Assessments page, click "Add Assessment". Type value in the sections, such as: Title, Location, Organization,... Click "Save", to store current record. Add other assessments.

For Rapid Assessments From the front page, select "Assessments". Choose "Rapid Assessments". At List Assessments page, click "Add Assessment". Have to type the initail information for this assessment, such as: Date, Location,... Click "Save". Type value in the sections in each tabs Demographic, Health, Nutrition,... Click "Save", to store value.

Browse Assessments

At List Assessments page, you can see all of assessments created and information about them. To modify a assessment, click "Open" on the assessment that need to be updated. To sort the assessments, click Arrow icon beside the title of columns. If there are lots of pages, moving between pages by click navigation buttons below.

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