Version 2 (modified by 14 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
- This to store the informations after a disaster, such as: Demographic, Health, Water,...
- These informations can be used for damaged and assistanced assessment.
Type of Report
- Rapid Assessments: report detail information.
- Assessments: report summary information.
Type of Information
In a assessment, there are many type of information. Include:
- Demographic: Population, Household,...
- Shelter & Essential NFIs: Shelter, Water storage, NFI Assistance,...
- WatSan: Water supply, Environment, Latrine,...
- Health: Health status, Health problem,...
- Nutrition: Food stock and Food assistance.
- Livelihood: Income, Expense,...
- Education: Education service, School activities, School assistance,...
- Protection:
Create a assessment
For Assessments
- From the front page, select "Assessments".
- Choose "Assessments".
- At List Assessments page, click "Add Assessment".
- Type value in the sections, such as: Title, Location, Organization,...
- Click "Save", to store current record.
For Rapid Assessments
- From the front page, select "Assessments".
- Choose "Rapid Assessments".
- At List Assessments page, click "Add Assessment".
- Have to type the initail information for this assessment, such as: Date, Location,...
- Click "Save".
- Type value in the sections in each tabs Demographic, Health, Nutrition,...
- Click "Save", to store value.
Browse Assessments
- At List Assessments page, you can see all of assessments created and information about them.
- To modify a assessment, click "Open" on the assessment that need to be updated.
- To sort the assessments, click on Arrow icon beside the title of columns.
- To filter the assessments, type value in "Filter" section.
- If there are lots of pages, moving between pages by click navigation buttons below.
Export report
- To export report to files, such as: PDF, Excel,..., click on the icon at top-right list of assessments.
See TracWiki
for help on using the wiki.