Version 34 (modified by 10 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Table of Contents
An Introduction to SAMBRO (Sahana Alerting and Messaging Broker)
The user guide is comprehensive with instructions from setting up SAMBRO software to issuing alerts. It is intended for all user levels: novices to experts. The guide is structured to take you through an actual implementation with real world examples and data.
How to use the Guide
The user guide is designed to quickly access relevant information for performing a task and understanding the technical details. Notice that the most frequently used activities are listed first, for the users, and the seldom used (one time) Admin type activities are listed at the bottom. More or less in the reverse order of a typical work flow. We have segmented the role specific work flow topics.
Role Specific Topics
Subscribers (Alert Recipients)
- RSS/Atom Feeds for your alert hub or RSS/Atom Reader for all alerts
- Email, SMS, FTP subscription to receive event and area specific alerts
Publishers (Alert Issuers)
The section discusses ways and means for creating a CAP message, having it authorized, and then issuing (or disseminating) to the subscribers
- Create a message for the first time and as a message originator
- Update a message using an existing message
- Cancel a message that has been wrongly issued or provided wrong information
- Clear a message when the event has subsided to inform the subscribers with an 'All Clear' message
- Authorize a message before issuing, posting or dissemination
Implementers (Super Users)
Section is for CAP Implementers for orienting the CAP Broker in the country or implementation specific context.
- Create Message Templates for categories of events and user groups
- Define CAP Profile specific information (waring priorities, event types, incident tables)
- Configure Broker with identifier, warning priorities, and other relevant implementation or country context information
- Update Register of Alerting Authorities; i.e. setup your organizational structure and alerting jurisdictions
- Manage Users by associating them with the relevant roles and alerting authority
- Testing the implementation after setup, configuration, and adding users
- Install software with web2py framework and other dependencies for Map (GIS), Messaging (Email, SMS, other)
- Customize the CAP Broker for the implementation context (e.g Admin contact details, banner or logo changes
- Basic Administration tasks for activating an instance for the users
- Testing the installation to ensure all SAMBRO specific features are functional
Future Plans
See the BluePrint/CAPBroker
Attachments (1)
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