Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases

02/14/18 09:53:39 (7 years ago)
Nuwan Waidyanatha



  • BluePrint/ShaRe/UseCases

    v17 v18  
    2727   a. Finds out that the warehouse at the their Kandy office has all the requested items.
    2828   a. The manager access the system to set the request status = committed
    29    a. The manager calls the shelter setup and management team to prepare for dispatch
     29   a. The manager calls the "shelter management team" to prepare for dispatch
    3030   a. Confirms with the the warehouse clerk with the equipment preparation
    3131   a. Prints a delivery note from the system with the contact details of recipient (Gov-Official) and the delivery location information
    3232   a. When the delivery truck leaves the warehouse, the manager updates the system to set the request status = dispatched  (SMS is sent to the Gov-Official with the status update)
    33 1. Gov-Official
     331. Local-Gov-Official
    3434   a. Receives the equipment and the Oxfam personnel set it all up
    35    a. He calls the DMC hotline (0112 555 1212) to report that the request has been completed
     35   a. He calls the Gov National hotline (0112 555 1212) to report that the request has been completed
    36361. Gov hotline staff
    37    a. asks the Gov-Official for the request reference code
     37   a. asks the Local-Gov-Official for the request reference code
    3838   a. finds the request in the system
    39    a sets the request status = complete
    40 1. Shelter manager
     39   a. sets the request status = complete
     40   a. the system sends an email to designated Evaluators in the respective Division check on the supplies
     411. Oxfam shelter management team leader
     42   a. takes a few photos with his phone
     43   a. uploads them through the comments section of the particular request (no login required)
     441. Evaluator, with Communications role, visits the location after 24 hours
     45   a. she takes photos with her mobile handheld
     46   a. returns to her desk to access the particular request (view only & comment only)
     47   a. uploads the photos and writes a comment commending the donor and expressing 4 out of 5 star satisfaction.
     481. A Citizen Journalist (e.g. from [ Groundviews])
     49   a. finds the request in the system
     50   a. writes a short comment on the status and uploads a photo (no login required)
    4252== Use Case Diagrams ==