
Version 18 (modified by Nuwan Waidyanatha, 7 years ago) ( diff )


Use Cases

User Stories

Shelter equipment for landslide victims

  1. A Local-Gov-Official visits the landslide site in Haputale
    1. identifies that 12 families have lost their homes and need shelter
    2. Calls the Gov National hotline (0112 555 1212) to request for assistance
  2. Hotline staff, with Request_Logger role, answers the call
    1. Accesses the system and is presented with the Request form
    2. She asks the following questions to record the information
      1. Who am I speaking with? Local-Gov-Official provides his name
      2. How can we contact you? Tells his mobile number
      3. What is your affiliation and designation? Local Gov-Official
      4. What is your need? I need shelter equipment for 12 families, All of them need tents (or a facility), bedding, water, latrines; there are 18 women, 12 men, 8 children, 5 elderly are in the group
      5. Where are the victims located? About 100m from the Olive Hiltop hotel; Haputhale, Uva Province
      6. She opens the map to find the location and marks it on the map
    3. She enters all the data and submits the request
    4. Upon submission
      1. Local-Gov-Official receives an SMS with the Request reference code and URL to view the entry
      2. email & SMS is sent out to registered Div-Gov-Official (Divisional) with role = Request_Approver
  3. Div-Gov-Official, aware of the situation
    1. clicks on the URL in the email to login and access the request
    2. she reviews the details and clicks the Approve button
    3. Upon approval an email is sent out to all the registered Donors (Suppliers) with the Request URL
  4. Oxfam manager (HTC member)
    1. Finds out that the warehouse at the their Kandy office has all the requested items.
    2. The manager access the system to set the request status = committed
    3. The manager calls the "shelter management team" to prepare for dispatch
    4. Confirms with the the warehouse clerk with the equipment preparation
    5. Prints a delivery note from the system with the contact details of recipient (Gov-Official) and the delivery location information
    6. When the delivery truck leaves the warehouse, the manager updates the system to set the request status = dispatched (SMS is sent to the Gov-Official with the status update)
  5. Local-Gov-Official
    1. Receives the equipment and the Oxfam personnel set it all up
    2. He calls the Gov National hotline (0112 555 1212) to report that the request has been completed
  6. Gov hotline staff
    1. asks the Local-Gov-Official for the request reference code
    2. finds the request in the system
    3. sets the request status = complete
    4. the system sends an email to designated Evaluators in the respective Division check on the supplies
  7. Oxfam shelter management team leader
    1. takes a few photos with his phone
    2. uploads them through the comments section of the particular request (no login required)
  8. Evaluator, with Communications role, visits the location after 24 hours
    1. she takes photos with her mobile handheld
    2. returns to her desk to access the particular request (view only & comment only)
    3. uploads the photos and writes a comment commending the donor and expressing 4 out of 5 star satisfaction.
  9. A Citizen Journalist (e.g. from Groundviews)
    1. finds the request in the system
    2. writes a short comment on the status and uploads a photo (no login required)

Use Case Diagrams

Registering and Managing Users

There are four types of users:

  1. Overall SHARE system administrator, appointed by UN RCO and the HCT community, is responsible for
    1. verifying the user registration requests
    2. granting permissions to users
  2. HCT organization administrator manages the organization specific:
    1. sites, facilities, and other relevant information
    2. creating users and granting permissions
  3. Wider humanitarian community
    1. reporting aid requests (Requester(Logger & Approver))
    2. supplying aid goods and services (Supplier)

Submit and Verify an Aid Request

  1. Authorized Request Logger receives a request for aid
    1. it is logged using the request type specific form
    2. includes identifying predefined item kits/packages and request site (location)
  2. Upon submission of the request, the system prompts Request Logger to
    1. select designated Request Approvers from the area
    2. submit an email and/or SMS requesting for verification and validation
  3. Approver confirms the request to be authentic
    1. clicks on approval URL in the Email or SMS
    2. log into the system to click approve
  4. Upon approval the request is confirmed and made visible for processing

Supply Items and Verify Delivery

  1. Org Admin defines the
    1. supply items, kits, and packages
    2. locations for collecting the items (i.e. drop-off or assembly point)
  2. Donor (Supplier) filters through list of requests to
    1. search for specific request (i.e. by location or category)
    2. commit to the request and specifies the items (goods & service) and quantities
    3. arranges for gathering and delivering the items to the requested location
  3. Upon delivery and receipt of all items, the Requester updates the status = complete

See 4W reports

Publish Sitreps & summary reports

and a Another

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