Version 18 (modified by 7 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Use Cases
Table of Contents
User Stories
Shelter equipment for landslide victims
- A Local-Gov-Official visits the landslide site in Haputale
- identifies that 12 families have lost their homes and need shelter
- Calls the Gov National hotline (0112 555 1212) to request for assistance
- Hotline staff, with Request_Logger role, answers the call
- Accesses the system and is presented with the Request form
- She asks the following questions to record the information
- Who am I speaking with? Local-Gov-Official provides his name
- How can we contact you? Tells his mobile number
- What is your affiliation and designation? Local Gov-Official
- What is your need? I need shelter equipment for 12 families, All of them need tents (or a facility), bedding, water, latrines; there are 18 women, 12 men, 8 children, 5 elderly are in the group
- Where are the victims located? About 100m from the Olive Hiltop hotel; Haputhale, Uva Province
- She opens the map to find the location and marks it on the map
- She enters all the data and submits the request
- Upon submission
- Local-Gov-Official receives an SMS with the Request reference code and URL to view the entry
- email & SMS is sent out to registered Div-Gov-Official (Divisional) with role = Request_Approver
- Div-Gov-Official, aware of the situation
- clicks on the URL in the email to login and access the request
- she reviews the details and clicks the Approve button
- Upon approval an email is sent out to all the registered Donors (Suppliers) with the Request URL
- Oxfam manager (HTC member)
- Finds out that the warehouse at the their Kandy office has all the requested items.
- The manager access the system to set the request status = committed
- The manager calls the "shelter management team" to prepare for dispatch
- Confirms with the the warehouse clerk with the equipment preparation
- Prints a delivery note from the system with the contact details of recipient (Gov-Official) and the delivery location information
- When the delivery truck leaves the warehouse, the manager updates the system to set the request status = dispatched (SMS is sent to the Gov-Official with the status update)
- Local-Gov-Official
- Receives the equipment and the Oxfam personnel set it all up
- He calls the Gov National hotline (0112 555 1212) to report that the request has been completed
- Gov hotline staff
- asks the Local-Gov-Official for the request reference code
- finds the request in the system
- sets the request status = complete
- the system sends an email to designated Evaluators in the respective Division check on the supplies
- Oxfam shelter management team leader
- takes a few photos with his phone
- uploads them through the comments section of the particular request (no login required)
- Evaluator, with Communications role, visits the location after 24 hours
- she takes photos with her mobile handheld
- returns to her desk to access the particular request (view only & comment only)
- uploads the photos and writes a comment commending the donor and expressing 4 out of 5 star satisfaction.
- A Citizen Journalist (e.g. from Groundviews)
- finds the request in the system
- writes a short comment on the status and uploads a photo (no login required)
Use Case Diagrams
Registering and Managing Users
There are four types of users:
- Overall SHARE system administrator, appointed by UN RCO and the HCT community, is responsible for
- verifying the user registration requests
- granting permissions to users
- HCT organization administrator manages the organization specific:
- sites, facilities, and other relevant information
- creating users and granting permissions
- Wider humanitarian community
- reporting aid requests (Requester(Logger & Approver))
- supplying aid goods and services (Supplier)
Submit and Verify an Aid Request
- Authorized Request Logger receives a request for aid
- it is logged using the request type specific form
- includes identifying predefined item kits/packages and request site (location)
- Upon submission of the request, the system prompts Request Logger to
- select designated Request Approvers from the area
- submit an email and/or SMS requesting for verification and validation
- Approver confirms the request to be authentic
- clicks on approval URL in the Email or SMS
- log into the system to click approve
- Upon approval the request is confirmed and made visible for processing
Supply Items and Verify Delivery
- Org Admin defines the
- supply items, kits, and packages
- locations for collecting the items (i.e. drop-off or assembly point)
- Donor (Supplier) filters through list of requests to
- search for specific request (i.e. by location or category)
- commit to the request and specifies the items (goods & service) and quantities
- arranges for gathering and delivering the items to the requested location
- Upon delivery and receipt of all items, the Requester updates the status = complete
See 4W reports
Publish Sitreps & summary reports
and a Another
Attachments (5)
(69.9 KB
) - added by 7 years ago.
supply and deliver aid items
(67.0 KB
) - added by 7 years ago.
register user
(82.0 KB
) - added by 7 years ago.
aid request
(101.6 KB
) - added by 7 years ago.
(53.3 KB
) - added by 7 years ago.
upload 4W
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