
Version 46 (modified by Fran Boon, 11 years ago) ( diff )


Haiyan Typhoon Response

Long-term Deployments

There are 2 long term Eden deployments in the Philippines:

Response Deployment

As well as supporting these instances, we are setting up a new instance with IOSN for Civil Society:

This is NOT in production yet and NOT ready for public dissemination yet.

I am just reworking the focus of the site.

We currently have 2 use cases for the Response phase:

  • "I want to give money or goods, where can I find one nearest me to give it to?"
    • for the General Public
  • "Matching demand with supply within a controlled vetted environment."

The site may evolve over time to add new use cases & will hopefully evolve into a longer-term Preparedness site like NYC Prepared



Red Cross are interested in this data:


Perhaps we could have a simple User Guide created for the site...e.g. to be added in Help on the site

Ideas can be pulled from:


Front Page

Work on a nice frontpage design. At a first guess, I think we want 3 big buttons on the front:

  • Donate Money
    • Provides a listing of Relief Organisations with links to Website (Avoid Phonelines, and especially Bank Accounts, to reduce fraud...leave these to the host org's website)
  • Donate Goods
    • Asks for Location & shows Drop-off points closest to them
  • Donate Time
    • Remote support?
      • YES: Provides a listing of opportunities
      • No: Shows Volunteer locations closest to them

Wordsmithing could be improved!

Time Page

or some other way to handle the 2 different ways to donate time

Cards Styling

Needs, Orgs & Sites cards all could use better styling.

How do we handle a 2-column datalist view with cards of variable sizes?

Nearest Place

Mockup some ideas for how we can best prompt people for where they are & hence find nearest locations to drop-off or volunteer

The default view would be a list of all & then user filters via the multiselects, but a nicer interface would be better if we can

Workflow for submitting Requests

Currently the site has been designed towards allowing people to volunteer but we also need to think about making it easy for Orgs/Site can submit their requests...although this will probably require authentication, so it's not a free for all.


  1. Multiselect for Site Type is cutting off when inside popup - ugly
  2. Menu entries for Map & Regions have a common icon which looks confusing
  3. Needs cards on profile pages & home page have an indent
  4. Good to have a fallback for the Org logo when not found
  5. icon-home on Site Needs cards also picking up the coloring of the header
  6. Site profile Headers need a lot of love
  7. Site Needs for Time => 2x icon-time icons on card (1 for Opening Hours & 1 for Volunteering)...perhaps volunteering could be made icon-contact (not icon-user as that's contact)
    • although this might imply terminology changes elsewhere?

JS Code

  1. On the Profile page for an Org, there should only be 1 Needs record, so creating a Needs record should remove the + button for that widget
  2. Hide rich text fields on needs until their checkboxes are selected (& rehide if deselected)
    • in popup from Profile page
    • in Inline form when creating a Site / Org (harder!)
  3. Edit buttons in Profile Headers are ugly
  4. When a datalist with no records has the first record added this doesn't load automatically into the page (it's fine when there is already at least 1 record)
    • probably just ensuring some JS is loaded or tags present


People volunteer Money, Time or Goods

Money is an Organisation Need stored in the req_organisation_needs component

  • essentially we will just give people a list of Orgs which are soliciting cash & the websites they can visit to donate...there is also a Rich-text box to add extra details

Goods is a Site (currently generic org_facility) Need stored in the req_site_needs component

  • essentially we will give people a list of Sites which are accepting drop-off donations, along with direction for how to get there, opening times & a rich-text box for them to describe the types of goods they're accepting
  • later we'll add a search for 'closest'.

Time is split into 2:

  • Remote time is an Organisation Need
  • Local time is a Site Need

The basic workflow is as above

What needs doing?

  • Custom Forms for creating Orgs + Sites with their Needs
    • Dominic
  • Filters
    • Dominic
  • Site Profile Pages
    • Map should show this Site
      • Fran
  • S3Profile for multiple=False widgets should have the create new button disabled when a resource is created
    • Server-side when page loaded
    • Client-side when record added dynamically
    • e.g. adding a need to an Org (or Site when we do Site profile pages)
  • Location 'Nearest' Search
    • Fran
  • Security Policy
  • Needs summaries per Lx
  • Renderers for Orgs & Sites including their Needs (I think datalist will work better for the Rich text)
    • Improve Styling
  • Latest Needs widget on homepage (like DRM's Latest Incidents)
  • We want to be able to zoom-in within an L1 to see the component L2s in the Profile Selector page
    • (& maybe within the Profile)
  • XSL to import Needs & some dummy data to import to help people (especially designers) see a populated system
    • Fran

Obviously there are UI design aspects too, but we can integrate what any volunteer who steps forward on that does.

Other ideas also welcomed.

e.g. I can think of an alternate workflow where Needs are all just cms_posts of type 'money', 'time' or 'goods' & we have a single 'newsfeed' of all


There will be some new code developed so some manual test cases which can be automated would be great

Other places to Help

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