


EdenMobile integrates the angular-translate module for translation of UI strings.


To make an HTML text node translatable, use the translate attribute to identify the message:

    <!-- untranslated -->

    <!-- translatable -->
    <h2 translate="Settings"></h2>

Alternatively, this can be written in AngularJS filter notation:

    <!-- untranslated -->

    <!-- translatable -->
    <h2>{{"Settings" | translate}}</h2>

For use in controllers, see: (we will implement a convenient wrapper for this)

Language Files

Language files are located in the www/i18n folder.

The naming pattern for language files is <language key>.json, where the language key is a 2-letter ISO-639-1 language code (lowercase), optionally followed by a regional variant identifier (separated by underscore):


All recognized language keys must be registered in www.js/i18n.js:

      .registerAvailableLanguageKeys(['en', 'sv'], {
            'en_US': 'en',
            'en_UK': 'en',
            'en_GB': 'en',
            'sv_SE': 'sv'

The active language is determined from system settings. If no corresponding translation file can be found, en.json will be used.

Language files are JSON with the following format:

    "Message_key": "Translated"

Unlike in Sahana Eden, the Message_key is not the untranslated message, but a unique key for the message (must not contain blanks!).

The message key should be a shorthand for the actual message (normal case, reasonable length), with multiple words separated by underscores:

    "Single": "This is a single word message key",
    "Two_words": "This is a message key consisting of two words"

Where the message contains variables, this should be indicated in the message key with a plus sign followed by the variable name (all-uppercase):

    "Message_with_variable+NAME": "A message including the variable {{name}}"

Other conventions

  • Use double quotes for both keys and translations
  • Remember to not leave a trailing comma after the last message in the file (=invalid JSON!)
Last modified 9 years ago Last modified on 09/13/16 09:08:31
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