
Version 95 (modified by Fran Boon, 15 years ago) ( diff )

Wireframe tool examples


These are areas of work that need interested developers to tackle.

The Blueprints should act as the Requirements specification for Testers to work with.
This could start with a simple User Story (or a full Use Case)
It can then be mocked-up using Wireframes using a tool such as Dia, Balsamiq or just GoogleDoc's new Drawing functionality

We could look at following a Behaviour-Driven Development style to formalise requirements whilst still being Agile (e.g. using tools like pyspec or PyFIT).

Joel Spolsky has a good write-up on Why to write Functional Specs & How

Sahana2 requirements:

Easy Tasks for Beginners

  • Have the GPS Coordinate Conversion Tool support negative numbers
  • Improve UI for Users/Groups
  • Improve UI for GIS Layer Catalogue (esp FeatureClasses/FeatureGroups)
  • Postgres Support needs fixing
  • Port the multi-file upload widget in Bulk Uploader from Ext-2.2.1 to Ext-3.2.1
    • Finish this app
  • Replace the open_module() used by the menu system with something that doesn't use implicit redirects as these take unnecessary resources
  • Provide localisation of jquery.ui.datepicker
    • Means that user profile will need extending to support locales

michaelhowden working on:

  • Replace jquery.autocomplete.js with jquery.ui.autocomplete.js (1.8.1)
  • Replace jquery.cluetip.js with jquery.ui.tooltip.js (1.9 once released)



Support Tools

Ideas from the Fire/Police Emergency Response sector:

In time we may use this area to provide just the detailed specifications for the Blueprints functionality within Launchpad

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