
Version 51 (modified by Pat Tressel, 14 years ago) ( diff )


GHC2010 Sahana-Eden Home

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Codeathon Projects

Since we expect GHC2010 Codeathon participants to reflect diverse skills and expertise, we have identified a range of projects. Regardless of the amount of coding needed, all of these are useful!

Projects that do not involve programming

Investigate usability

Help out with a current relief effort

Improve installation procedures

  • Step-by-step documentation -- we have been concentrating on Windows & Debian/Ubuntu so other distros are poorly-documented.

Projects for beginning coders, or if new to Python or web services

Fix bugs

Polish existing modules

  • Fix UI issues, add features, provide user-requested enhancements.

SysAdmin tasks

Projects for more experienced coders

Some things to keep in mind when planning new modules or major features:

  • Consider what other FOSS tools exist, that could be installed alongside Eden.
  • Look at tools and libraries already in use in Eden, e.g. jQuery and ExtJS for UI work.

Test automation

Tweet or SMS parsing -- allow users to provide info via tweets or SMS messages

Job Jar -- manage tasks performed on the site, e.g. data entry

  • Assign tasks to users or let users select tasks.
  • Track who does what, mark completed.
  • Provide administrator UI for defining tasks.
  • Cross-check / verify task, or compare result of two users on same task.
  • Administer tests and training for new workers.

Suggestion Box

Upload photos or video from a smart phone

  • Design a widget (to be included in an Eden form) that can be used to select images or video, with any needed detection of the type of phone.

Run Eden on a smart phone

Chat with other logged in users

Refactor and complete the Survey module

Attachments (11)

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