

21:12 JoinedResourceController edited by Fran Boon
deletable/Editable seem to be necessary (diff)
21:06 JoinedResourceController edited by Fran Boon
21:06 JoinedResourceController edited by Fran Boon
proper joinby syntax example (diff)
20:01 JoinedResourceController edited by Fran Boon
dictionary example (diff)
19:56 BluePrint/Synchronisation edited by Fran Boon
Additions required (diff)
19:42 JoinedResourceController edited by Fran Boon
list_fields (diff)
18:42 JoinedResourceController edited by Fran Boon
18:41 JoinedResourceController edited by Fran Boon
response.s3.filter (not needed yet as not used in views - but maybe in … (diff)
18:38 JoinedResourceController edited by Fran Boon
response.s3 needed for visibility in views (diff)
18:36 JoinedResourceController edited by Fran Boon
Options: s3.pdf, s3.xls & s3.filter (diff)
16:57 Deployments/Italy/EVASS edited by Fran Boon
Meeting 2 coming up (diff)
08:42 BluePrintSitRep edited by Fran Boon
08:41 BluePrintKnowledgeManagement edited by Fran Boon


08:47 DeveloperGuidelines/Optimisation edited by Fran Boon
08:45 BluePrintAuthenticationAccess edited by Fran Boon
Example on populating dropdowns based on authorised records (diff)


21:53 InstallationGuidelinesApacheModWSGI edited by Fran Boon
Also expire favicon (diff)
21:50 InstallationGuidelinesApacheModWSGI edited by Fran Boon
21:50 InstallationGuidelinesApacheModWSGI edited by Fran Boon
Add JS to example & increase times (diff)
21:27 InstallationGuidelinesApacheModWSGI edited by Fran Boon
Example of GZip & Expires (diff)
21:10 ConfigurationGuidelines edited by Fran Boon
Set Expires on static files in Apache (diff)
21:10 InstallationGuidelinesApacheModWSGI edited by Fran Boon
20:50 ConfigurationGuidelines edited by Fran Boon
Performance tips (diff)
17:33 BluePrint/GIS/Markers edited by Fran Boon
Alternate file upload locations: db.table.field.uploadfolder (diff)
15:42 DeveloperGuidelines/Tips edited by Fran Boon
Access DB models from a Python script (diff)


16:44 BluePrintDecisionMaking edited by Connie White
16:42 BluePrintDecisionMaking edited by Connie White
16:39 BluePrintDecisionMaking edited by Connie White
16:32 BluePrintDecisionMaking edited by Connie White
16:31 BluePrintDecisionMaking edited by Connie White
16:24 dm3.jpg attached to BluePrintDecisionMaking by Connie White
16:24 dm6.jpg attached to BluePrintDecisionMaking by Connie White
16:24 dm5.jpg attached to BluePrintDecisionMaking by Connie White
16:23 ThurstoneScale.jpg attached to BluePrintDecisionMaking by Connie White
16:22 ThurstoneScale.2.jpg attached to BluePrintDecisionMaking by Connie White
16:19 BluePrintDecisionMaking edited by Connie White
16:16 ThurstoneScale.png attached to BluePrintDecisionMaking by Connie White
16:15 BluePrintDecisionMaking edited by Connie White
16:10 CollExpJud.pdf attached to BluePrintDecisionMaking by Connie White
16:09 BluePrintDecisionMaking edited by Connie White
15:59 BluePrintDecisionMaking edited by Connie White
15:15 BluePrintDecisionMaking edited by Connie White
14:46 BluePrints edited by Fran Boon
14:45 BluePrints edited by Fran Boon
14:36 BluePrints edited by Fran Boon
Spolsky (diff)
11:38 BluePrint/Messaging edited by Fran Boon
Common & per-user InBoxes (diff)
07:30 SysAdmin/ReleaseProcess edited by Fran Boon
07:28 SysAdmin/ReleaseProcess edited by Fran Boon
Themes => template.css (diff)
06:36 ConfigurationGuidelines edited by Fran Boon
06:34 ConfigurationGuidelines edited by Fran Boon
Themes (diff)


20:57 BluePrint/CSS edited by Fran Boon
browsershots.org (diff)
10:29 ConfigurationGuidelines edited by Fran Boon
06:01 BluePrint/CSS edited by Fran Boon
Colours in DB: Done. JPolite hint (diff)


06:58 BluePrint/CSS edited by Fran Boon
ToDos (diff)


22:34 BluePrint/CSS edited by Fran Boon
The logo font is Brush Script (diff)
21:17 BluePrintRESTImplementation edited by Fran Boon
21:16 BluePrint/Internationalisation edited by Fran Boon
21:12 DeveloperGuidelines/Tips edited by Fran Boon
21:11 DeveloperGuidelines edited by Fran Boon
20:07 BluePrint/CSS edited by Fran Boon
20:07 BluePrint/CSS edited by Fran Boon
Main outstanding task on this is to have the Modules menu show which … (diff)
18:59 BluePrint/CSS edited by Fran Boon
NetRenderer allows no interaction (diff)
18:49 BluePrint/CSS edited by Fran Boon
Update to current (diff)
17:40 gsocguidelines edited by Fran Boon
Add ports info (diff)
17:23 gsocguidelines edited by Fran Boon
09:25 BluePrint/CSS edited by Fran Boon
Icons in Menus? (diff)


23:42 BluePrint/Messaging edited by Dan Zubey
22:50 BluePrintTicketing edited by Fran Boon
22:50 BluePrintTicketing created by Fran Boon
22:39 BluePrints edited by Fran Boon
Ticketing (diff)
22:27 BluePrint/CSS edited by Fran Boon
Stepping-stone: 2-column (menu on left) (diff)


10:18 BluePrintGISImportExport edited by Fran Boon
ElementTree example (diff)
07:23 BluePrintFramework edited by Fran Boon
MVC separation (cont) (diff)


21:52 BluePrint/CSS edited by Fran Boon
2 alternate layouts which views can inherit from (diff)
18:55 Deployments/Italy/EVASS edited by Fran Boon
18:54 Deployments/Italy/EVASS edited by Fran Boon
+IRC Meeting (diff)
06:55 BluePrintGISImportExport edited by Fran Boon
lxml fast parser (diff)


23:19 JoinedResourceController edited by Dominic König
20:43 BluePrint/Messaging edited by Fran Boon
User Interface requirements (diff)
20:36 BluePrint/Messaging edited by Fran Boon
18:25 BluePrintGISKMLLayers edited by Fran Boon
Need to unzip KMZ files, which requires intercepting the uploaded file … (diff)
18:24 DeveloperGuidelines/Tips edited by Fran Boon
Process uploaded files manually (diff)


06:44 BluePrintMessagingModuleJ2ME edited by Fran Boon
06:43 BluePrintMessagingModuleJ2ME edited by Fran Boon
Clean-up (diff)
06:40 BluePrint/Synchronisation edited by Fran Boon
06:40 BluePrint/Synchronisation edited by Fran Boon
Clean-up (diff)


15:03 BluePrintDecisionMaking edited by Fran Boon
12:24 BluePrintDecisionMaking edited by Fran Boon
12:24 BluePrintDecisionMaking edited by Fran Boon
12:23 BluePrintDecisionMaking edited by Fran Boon
12:21 BluePrintDecisionMaking edited by Fran Boon
11:50 BluePrintDecisionMaking edited by Fran Boon
10:04 BluePrintOCR edited by Fran Boon
Plone uses Tesseract (diff)


23:20 JoinedResourceController edited by Dominic König
23:17 JoinedResourceController edited by Dominic König
23:12 JoinedResourceController created by Dominic König
11:02 BluePrintSituationAwareness created by Fran Boon
11:00 BluePrints edited by Fran Boon


15:14 SysAdmin/ReleaseProcess edited by Fran Boon
OpenBSD Release Process (diff)
14:14 BluePrintFramework edited by Fran Boon
Breadcrumbs (diff)
12:17 DeveloperGuidelines edited by Fran Boon
12:16 XForms created by Fran Boon
12:14 BluePrintMessagingModuleJ2ME edited by Fran Boon
12:12 BluePrint/Messaging edited by Fran Boon
Wiki link on HTML mail (diff)
12:10 BluePrintGISStorage edited by Fran Boon
GeoAlchemy (diff)
12:09 BluePrintGeographicInformationSystems edited by Fran Boon
mapsgeek.com (diff)


21:02 BluePrintBarcode edited by Fran Boon
Android uses ZXing for reading barcodes (diff)
09:00 BluePrint/Logistics edited by Fran Boon


20:19 BluePrintDecisionMaking edited by Fran Boon
provided a URL which is accessible to non-GSoC mentors (diff)


21:26 BluePrint/CSS edited by Fran Boon
21:24 BluePrint/CSS edited by Fran Boon
21:23 BluePrint/CSS edited by Fran Boon
21:15 BluePrint/CSS edited by Fran Boon
Bugs (diff)
20:30 BluePrint/Messaging edited by Fran Boon
Twitter alerts (diff)
20:24 BluePrint/CSS edited by Fran Boon
20:23 BluePrint/CSS edited by Fran Boon
Remove DeveloperGuidelines, add part about removing side menu (diff)
20:13 DeveloperGuidelines edited by Fran Boon
20:12 BluePrint/CSS edited by Fran Boon
sub-menus no longer an unimplemented requirement (diff)
14:33 BluePrint/Reporting edited by Praneeth Bodduluri
Added matplotlib (diff)


02:46 BluePrint/Reporting edited by Fran Boon
jqPlot (diff)


15:46 BluePrintEDXL edited by Fran Boon
Python implementation (diff)


08:36 BluePrintSitRep edited by Fran Boon
EDXL (diff)
08:35 BluePrintEDXL created by Fran Boon
07:04 BluePrint/Synchronisation edited by Fran Boon
link to EDXL (diff)


18:05 UserGuidelines edited by Ajay Kumar
18:01 UserGuidelines edited by Ajay Kumar
17:58 MailingList created by Ajay Kumar
17:47 UserGuidelines created by Ajay Kumar
Creating User guide
17:42 BluePrint/Logistics edited by Ajay Kumar
17:42 BluePrint/Logistics edited by Ajay Kumar
13:15 IS_ONE_OF edited by Dominic König
13:14 IS_ONE_OF edited by Dominic König
13:13 IS_ONE_OF edited by Dominic König
13:09 IS_ONE_OF edited by Dominic König
12:58 IS_ONE_OF edited by Dominic König
12:51 IS_ONE_OF created by Dominic König
12:29 DeveloperGuidelinesS3Framework edited by Dominic König
02:41 Deployments/Italy/EVASS edited by Ajay Kumar


13:14 BluePrintPersonRegistry edited by Fran Boon
Import/Export Formats (diff)
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.